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autums pov

waking up to my phone going off must be the worst. i mean i have it set on my favorite song but still i dont want today to be today. i get up and go into my bathroom and do my make up and hair. i have blue hair and use black make up to make my grey blue eyes look brighter. i dont know why but it is the only thing that looks good on me. after i am done i go to my closet and grab black ripped skinny jeans, perice the veil shirt, a black sweater, and black converse. i grab my backpack and keys and leave. i get into my black camaro and drive away from my hellhole called home. when i get to school i stand by my car and wait to be let inside.

more people showed up. finally they started letting people in. i go to my locker to put my sweater in there. i walk to home room to get my scedual. well walking didnt get far befor i was pushed into the lockers by the wanna be barbies. i look at them and give them a dirty look. i may not talk but i still can have an aditude.

"hey is freak gonna finally speak or you just gonna stand there." caroline says.

"i dont think she is gonna talk she never does and probably never will." brandy says.

"why wont you do everyone a favor and go kill yourself already. no one likes you and never will." makenzie said. okay ouch that hurt a little.

"is that why her mom left her because she doesnt love her." see this happenes all the time.

"yea no one loves you and never will. stop cutting yourself and just go die." caroline said. okay that hurt alot more considering it is true. i mean i already know and they dont have to say it. caroline punches me in the stomic and kicks me in the leg. when i am on the ground they continue to do this until i am coughing up blood. they finally leave and i get up and go to home room.

i get my schedul and the bell rings. i walk to my locker and grab my sweater. i dont go to my first peiriod so i go outside. i sit under a tree and take out my note book. i write a little in it. i like to write poetry. no one has ever seen them. i wont let anyone near this notebook. i have poetry i dont want people to see and sometimes when i write it i get blood on the paper.

when the bell rings i go to my next class. i sit in the back and put my head in my arms. more people walked into the class and i just sat there not looking at anyone. i look up at the window. I was listening to black veil brides and the song savior started to play. I love this song.  I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked over and saw a kid sitting next to me. I looked at him. He was smilling.

"Hi I am blake." He said. I grabbed my notebook and wrote down. 'Hi I am autum.' I answered back. He gave me a questionable look. "Why dont you talk." He asked. Shit I was hoping this wouldnt happen. 'I am mute.' He looked at me with a ln expression I dont know. "Oh well its nice to meet you." He said. 'Its nice to meet you too. I  not trying to sound mean but why are you talking to me.' I showed it to him. "Why wouldnt I. I am trying to make a friend." He said.

"Hey look mute freak gotta a friend. Are you gonna start talking." Someone yelled out.

"How could she make a friend she a freak and doesnt need friend she has the voices in her head." Another one said. Wait how the hell do they know I have voices in my head. Yes I hear things telling me what to do and what not to do. And one that calms me down. A few more people started to jump in. I got so upset that I got up and walked out of the classroom. I walked outside and went to the tree. I climbed it and grabbed my blade out of my bookbag. Pulling my sleeve up I found somewhere where there was no scars or cuts.

I put it up to my skin and dragged it across. I watched as my arm bleed. I cleaned it up and grabbed my notebook. I started drawing in it. I drew a girl with quotes around her. She is supposed to represent every girl that goes through what I go.through or worst.

"Hey are you okay." The boy from earlier said. I jumped almost falling out of the tree. I balanced myself and jumped down from the tree. I nodded to answer him back. I grabbed my backpack and started to walk away. I got near the school befor someone pulled my note book from my hands.

"Hey look its the emo mute freaks diary." One of the jocks said. I think his name is luke. I tried to grab my notebook but he move away. I looked at him and tryed to grab it again. He opened it and started looking at it. "Is that your blood." He asked. I tryed to grab it from him again. "It looks like someone likes poetry. And drawing." He continued. I looked at him and kept trying to get it back. All he did was push me to the ground and kept looking at the notebook.

"Little emo girl thinks of suicide. Stop thinking it and act-" he didnt finish befor he got punched in the face and the notebook was tooken from him. "Stop messing with her." I looked over at blake. I was shocked that he helped me. He walked over to me and gave me the notebook. "Are you ok." He asked. I nodded. I took another notebook out. 'Thanks for the help but why would you help me no one has ever helped me.' I wrote down and showed it to him. "No problem and friends help eachother. Havent you had a friend befor." He asked. I thought for a minute as I was having an argument of chyanne in my head. (The voice that is like a ghost. I swear she is I have seen her befor.) She wanted me to say yes and I wanted to say no. I shook my head no. He looked at me. "Well you got a friend now." I looked at him in shock. Oh no I dont want a friend. I dont want to get hurt. Or to have someone find out what happens. 'You dont have to do that I am use to being alone.' I wrote down. "I want to be your friend and get  know you." He said. 'Okay what do you want to know.' I wrote down. We walked to the tree I was at and sat down. "Umm what is your favorite color." He asked. I pointed to my hair and my eyeliner. "Black and blue." He asked. I nodded. 'Whats yours.' I wrote down. "Red and blue."he smiled and I smiled back. "Whats your favorite movie." He asked. 'I dont know but I lilke scary movies. Yours.' I showed him. "Paranormal activity. All of them." He said. 'Thoes movies are cheesy.' I wrote down.

"No they arent they are funny." He said. 'Thats what makes them cheesy.' "Ok what made you stop talking." He asked. No I was hoping for him not to ask. 'School  family problems.' "Oh would you start talking again." He asked. 'I dont know it probably depends on the person and how much.I trust them. But that is going to be hard.' "Oh how can someone earn your trust." 'I dont know. Probably what you just did for me.' I answered back. "so I am starting to earn your trust." He smirked. 'Let me think you seem like your are getting cocky.' He had a funny look on his face. I smiled and giggled. "Haha very funny but I like your laugh and smile." He said. 'Thanks.' He smiled. I heard the bell ring and people started to come outside. 'Im going home se ya later.' I wrote and showed him it. I got up. "Can hang out with you." He asked. 'I dont know my dad might be home.' "Is there a problem woth that." He asked. 'No but he might get mad. But sure you can come.' He smiled and walked with.me to my car. 'You dont have a car.' "I do I just like to walk to school I live close enough." He answered. I just nodded and got into.my car. He got in after.

When I got home my dad was laying on the couch passed out with beer bottles all around him. he is gonna regret drinking that much. "Wheres you mom." He asked. I just shook my head and walked up to my room. He followed me. I sat on my bed and he sat next to me.

emo/mute girl Where stories live. Discover now