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"I can find them! in the bath." I said with excitement at the idea

Dustin grabbed the phone and called somebody named Mr.Clark, He then took a pencil and a notebook and wrote some things in the notebook, He then said goodbye and asked Joyce about a kiddie pool.

"I think so yeah," Joyce said

"good. Then we just need salt, lots of it" Dustin said,

"how much is 'lots'?" Hopper asked

Dustin looked at the notebook. and answered

"1,500 pounds"

"Well, where are we gonna get that much salt?" Nancy asked

After a while, we went to the school Mike and the others went to do the bath, I couldn't wait to meet Will in person

Time skip

After Joyce made me some goggles with ducktape she said that I was brave for doing this for Will she's really nice! :D

"ready?" she asked me, I took a deep breath.

"ready" I said smiling at her

we went up to the gym where saw the pool, I then took off my socks and grabbed the goggles and puted it over my head to my eyes, I then went in to the pool and laid down

I could tellthe lights went off, I tried to use my powers to find them. I then was in the dark room, I looked around looking for Barbara or Will. I saw something.

"barbara?" I said while getting closer

I then saw barbara pail and deffenetly one of the monster's victims, she looked gross and abv dead. I got scared and started yelling

"Dead! dead! gone! gone!" I yelled having a panic attack

 I started breathing heavily then heard Joyce comforting me saying stuff like its okay or your safe I calmed down and looked for Will

Castle Byers I said while looking at it I approached it and got inside

"Will?" I said while looking a boy resting on the floor.

"Will its me Y/n your gonna be safe we are coming for you" I said

"Y/n? p-please hurry" Will said weakly

The fort then disappeared,

"Will? Will!" I said

I then got up and took off the goggles and started breathing heavily, Joyce started comforting me 

I got out and took a towel and sat on the stools, the boys then sat around me including El, I then put my head on Mike's shoulder while shivering and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. Mike started fidgeting and kept looking at his watch, he then got up and walked away for a few seconds he then came back saying something in between the lines of Nancy and Jonathan gone? I wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about Will and his weak figure

I started listening more to the conversation and knew exactly something they wanted to know

"I know where they are," I said,

"where?" Mike said

"Demogorgon" I replied they all looked at each other with fright.

after a while we were starting to get bored, well at least I did but the e other were babbling and discussing about what I said. I heard Dustin head off to a kitchen I believe? he said something about chocolate pudding. When we all arrived me and Mike were sitting in a table while El, Lucas and Dustin went to the fridge.

"are you feeling any better?" Mike asked me

"a little bit weak but am fine!" I said while smiling

"what's pudding?" I asked

"it's...it's this chocolate goo you eat with a spoon. Don't worry when all this is over you won't have to keep eating junk food like a dog anymore. My mom she's an awsome cook. She can make you whatever you like"

I smiled weakly exited at the thought of fresh food.

"see, I was thinking when all this is over and Will's back and you and El don't have to be a secret anymore. My parents can get you and El an actual bed"

After Mike started talking A LOT I started taking note of his features.I got lost on those amazing eyes of his, and that dark black hair. I then moved on to his lips but then noticed how he stopped talking so I paid attention to him

"Y/n would you come with me to the snow ball together?" Mike asked looking at me from my eyes to my lips 

"what's snow ball?" I asked 

"it's a cheesy school dance where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff. I've never been, but I know your not supposed to go with your sister"

I giggled a little at his comment and he smiled too

" Well you go to school dances with someone that you know, someone that you like"

"a friend?" I asked still a little bit confused

"someone like uh.." he tried explaining to me but I just waited until he went over to me and put his lips in mine. I took time to react since it was my first kiss. I then touched my lips with my hand softly and then looked at Mike and smiled

"I would love to go with you Mike" I said

Then a car pulled over and Mike stud up and went outside. After a while he came back and said they found us. I panicked and went over to Mike and stood beside him about to cry. We then ran out of the kitchen and went through the hallways until they surrounded us with guns. I used all the strength I had left to explode their little tiny brains out until I blacked out,

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