Chapter 1

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TW: Swearing, mention of arson and manslaughter, mention of suicide

-Jake's POV-

Man, how long has it been since I've been in the music club?  I remember that I was bullying them with Drew, Liam, Henry, Lia and Zoey (which is cheating on Drew cause all that she is was a gold digger bish-) Hmmm....

ke, ake, ...., ugh JAKE!!!!!-Drew


Uh, what was that about?~Liam


WAIT sigh no, it was some kid that loves puppies in the year below us~Jake

Yea, sure~Drew

Anyways, when are you going to leave that music freak club or some other weird shit that they like to be called?~Drew

Drew, for the last time they're not freaks.  Also I'm not leaving anytime soon~Jake


But Jake, you said you were only in it for Daisy!~Liam


I don't care what you say, but if you don't leave that freak club, Imma have to commit arson and manslaughter~Drew


*Jake then gets up and runs away*





I don't want you to be the one committing manslaughter Milly-~Sean

Drew, why did you say that!?~Daisy

Daisy, don't you have head girls duties to go do?~Liam

I don't care about that at the moment, Elliot and I have known Jake longer than you three and what you said to him probably made him feel like he'll see his family sooner than later!  HE TRIED TO FUCKING KILL HIMSELF BEFORE GOD DAMNIT!!~Daisy

*Daisy then runs to go find Jake*

...~Jomies and Music Club

*running by, after hearing what happened to jake*~Elliot

*stops for a moment and slowly turns head towards the Jomies* What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Say. To. JAKE?!~Elliot

They said that they were gonna set Jakes house on fire then kill himMilly

... I'll deal with you three later, I need to help find Jake *starts running again, looking for Jake while screaming his name out*~Elliot

---------This is Tommy the timeskip, say hi to Tommy------------

-Daisy's POV-

Jake, where are you?  Elliot and I are getting worried...

Daisy and Elliot spent most of the day looking for Jake

*Catching up to Daisy* Daisy!  I think I know where Jake is, follow me~Elliot


--------At the roof-top---------------- 

Jake!~Daisy and Elliot

*sitting down with his legs tucked into his chest*~Jake


Buddy, its ok.  Everything's fine~Daisy

*Looks at them* You guys sure?~Jake

*nod*~Daisy and Elliot

We can stay up here if you want to Jake~Elliot


*sits on each side of Jake*~Daisy and Elliot


I'm bored~Jake

Same here~Elliot

Well, at least the three of us are here together! *leans head on Jakes shoulder*~Daisy

*chuckles* Heh, that's right.  The three of us.~Jake

The three of us against the world! *laughs*~Jake, Daisy, Elliot

(Yes I did take this from dsmp clingy duo i want drama-)

-an hour later-

And that's why Milly is the best~Elliot

Heh, *points at Elliot* simp~Jake

HEH!?!?!? *embarrassed*~Elliot

Don't lie to yourself Elliot, Jake and I know you've had a crush on her since the first day you came here~Daisy

I-I don't know what you're talking about~Elliot




*yawns and lays down on his back*-Jake

*also lays on there back*-Daisy, Elliot

Can we just, idk, sleep up here?~Daisy

Sure, why not?~Jake


Ok, I don't want to get up now-~Daisy

Ik~Jake, Elliot.


Hello!  Thank you for reading this chapter of this book!  I doubt anyone will read this, but if anyone is, i hope you enjoyed this chapter cause there's going to be a lot of angst. I wanted to start up this book with some fluff, anyways, I hope you enjoyed and stay turn for the next chapter!!

549 words

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