Chapter 2

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Ok imma be honest..... I forgot this book existed for a while-

I'm sorry I had school work to do plus I had a fucking class debate for language arts. Yea so here's this chapter


Elliots POV

It's almost morning, Daisy and Jake are still asleep on the roof.  I texted my and Daisy's parents plus Jake's twin sister that the three 'accidentally' fell asleep on the roof.  They're so easy to fool for some reason-

*wakes up and yawns*~Jake

*yawns and stretches*~Daisy

Gooooood morning my friends~Elliot

Morning Elliot~Daisy and Jake

I texted Daisy and I's parents and your sister, I told them we 'accidentally' fell asleep on the roof of the school watching the clouds~Elliot

Good job Elliot!~Jake

*thumbs up*~Daisy

Adults are so dumb sometimes.  Jake your sister is dumb as well, not all the time though.~Elliot

True brother, so true~Daisy

*chuckles* So what now?~Jake

The music club is worried about you, how about we text them?~Daisy

Yeah!  I can text Milly, Daisy can text Sean, and you can text Hailey!~Elliot

Eh, ok~Jake

They all text there person that they have assigned each other

Wow- ok.  The whole music club just started spamming me-~Jake

Well, at least we now know that they care about you-~Daisy


Yea, *chuckles*~Jake

What now? I'm so bored and I don't wanna go home yet~Daisy

Same here~Elliot

We can go to the park and sit on the bench they have if y'all want~Jake

Yes!! I haven't been to the park in ages!~Elliot

Yeah because you're trying to figure out what the best time to take Milly on a date but then gave up because it's 'To much work', yet you plant and look after flowers all day~Daisy

OI NO IT'S NOT-~Elliot



Yes you do~Daisy

No I don't~Elliot

Yes you do!~Daisy

No I don't!~Elliot

Enough you two!  Y'all are acting like siblings~Jake

...sorry~Daisy and Elliot

Y'all are fine no need to apologize.  It's funny seeing the two of you fight *chuckles* makes me feel like I'm an older sibling.~Jake 

But you are an older and a twin tho-~Elliot

...We don't talk about that-~Jake

We DoN't TaLk AbOuT bRuNo No No NO~Daisy


What are we waiting for?  Let's get going to the park!~Elliot

Haha! Race you there Elliot! *starts to run off*~Daisy

OI YOU GOT A HEAD START! *starts to run off as well*~Elliot


---------At the park---------

Jakes POV

The three of us just got to the park, Daisy and Elliot are talking about what they think the future of the music club will be while I'm just watching Philza's stream.  (I was actually watching Phil while writing this, the stream is called Origins :) - Bird boi go brrrrrrrrrrr the fucking warden has been added :DD)

I look up and see Drew and Hailey...arguing?  Why are they here?

Hey Jake, you ok?~Daisy

Daisy, look.  Drew and Hailey are here~Elliot

Oh, I wonder why they're here.  Why are they arguing?~Daisy

*sighs* Probably about me.  They've been fighting with each other like divorced parents trying to set up a time.  Like one week one parent gets the child and the other parent gets the child the next week.  But Drew is a angry dad who wants the kid, a.k.a me, for ever and the music club gets me every other week, and Hailey is the mom whos trying to make it fair-~Jake

Oh-Daisy and Elliot

Yea, it gets kinda annoying~Jake

JAKEEEEEEE~Drew and Hailey





Jake, just-just go~Elliot

Fineeeeee *runs towards Drew and Hailey*~Jake

They do act like a divorced couple-~Daisy

Yea they do~Elliot

----------With Jake, Drew and Hailey----------

Ok, what do y'all want?~Jake

We just needed to talk to you about the club/music freaks~Hailey and Drew


We want you to choose~Drew


Who do you choose?  The club or the jomies?~Hailey


Well?~Drew and Hailey

Why? Why are you making me choose!?~Jake

We need to know.~Drew

Yea, plus the competition is in just a couple of weeks. I need to know if you're gonna make it or going with them...~Hailey


C'mon Jake we don't have all day~Drew

I-I, uhh...~Jake


Uh, yea!?~Jake

Daisy's parents need us real quick hurry up!~Elliot

Oh ok! Sorry, can we talk about this on Monday?~Jake

sigh Yea, sure..~Drew and Hailey

Thank! Y'all are the best.  Gotta go bye!~Jake

---------------Daisy's POV------------

What!?  I can't believe them!! Making Jake choose between the music club and the jomies. Like, what the fu-


W-wha huh?~Daisy

You zoned out, is everything ok Daisy?~Jake

Yea, I'm good~Daisy

Anyways, what do your parents need us for Daisy?~Elliot

I don't know.  Maybe they need more help with the restaurant...~Daisy

Aren't we too young to work at a restaurant?~Jake

Yea!  Won't we also get strange stares as well?~Elliot

My mom will take care of that, don't worry~Daisy


Eh, ok~Jake


Thank you for reading this chapter!  I hope you have enjoyed this part of the story.

this chapter has been one of the longest ones I've ever typed.  I'll see you in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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