- 6: "Warnings" -

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Wesley's POV:

A giant wolf had jumped and latched onto the wolf's neck, and snapped it, I heard a small whimper from the smaller wolf. Then, it went limp completely. The giant wolf looked over to me, the dead wolf still in his jaw. I stared back and then-

I fainted.

So, at lot has happened, but all I see now is black. The world is black, I can't hear anything, I can't see anything. It feels as if something is carrying me, but I can't open my eyes. It feels like I'm still bleeding out, but I can't stop it. I can't do anything. I'm just.. weak at this point.

For the past few days, they were going fine actually. I got to move in with Cortez, I've been talking to him more, and he seems fine with me. The bullying from Erik and Bryan has kind of stopped, however, it still does happen from time to time. Thomas still loves to just make me suffer. I'm confident to say that Cortez has my back at least and would stand up for me if I needed. That's how better things are going.

I left for a simple walk out of the dorm with Nox. I had just saw Cortez a few minutes ago. How did everything like this happened? How could I let Nox get hurt? How did I allow myself to bleed out next to the river? Why couldn't I move? Why was I just.. worthless?

Let me go back over this with you, starting from after I left the dorm with Nox.

• • •

I shut the door to our dorm room while Nox was excited to go outside. Cortez didn't seem that happy when I left, but maybe because it's just dark outside. It was pretty dark actually. I had spent so much time trying to chase Nox around that a lot of it got wasted. Speaking of the little bastard making me run around like that;

He was practically tugging on the leash while trying to run down the stairs in the dorm building. He gets really excited at night, usually he's calm in the daytime. I still love him though, he's still a great dog. He also knows how to get along with new people, like the past few days with Cortez. He's been less chaotic than I thought he'd be with him.

He's just a really happy dog and that's what I love about him.

Now, we were just walking on the paths of campus. Only the lamp posts illuminated the area, and I have to admit, they were really pretty. It's nice to just observe the scenery here at nighr. Maybe I should do this more often..

Nox was enjoying himself as well, so I'm happy that he liked this too. What if one day Cortez walked with us..?

I'm probably getting too bold, we're only just now becoming kind of-sort of friends? Maybe one day, I wouldn't mind just hanging out with him. I also really found him attractive, but it's a low chance he swings the same way I do. Guess I'm just gonna be lonely with Nox for a while, then I'm gonna be lonely with Nox's pups.

I'm still dreading that day too, but I am planning to at least have Nox mate and the female to birth some pups. I know one day he'll be gone, so I want at least something to remember him by. I'm gonna really miss him, but I'm lucky that he's so young now. Rottweilers are suppose to live for a good while. The longest was 13 years.

I was looking back down at Nox, who was leading the walk at the moment. But, weirdly, he stopped? His ears perked up and it looked like he was looking around. He started backing into my legs while doing so.

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