I went back to school the next day and saw Alastair. I suddenly started thinking of what happened yesterday. I turned red and looked down at the ground. She noticed and came towards me.

"What's up, Mariposa?"

I jolted. I wasn't expecting that. "Did-Did you call me Mariposa?"

"Yeah, so what?"

I was flustered, I wanted to parish right then and there. She bent down, hands on her knees and she smirked at me, again. "YOU-..." I got cut off by her laughter. I loved when she laughed.

She walked away and I sat down in my seat. Skipping some parts and boom, we're outside. First recess, I got tackled by Alastair as she pinned me against the wall again.

"Why?" I asked. She shrugged. I walked with her and someone from another class asked if we were dating because we're always walking and talking with each other.

"Well," Alastair started. "Yes." I said. "Really?" Alastair whispered. I nodded. She grabbed my hand, our fingers interlocked "Yes we are!" She declared. The whistle blew. We had to go back inside. We walked back inside. My head racing with thoughts, "OMG I'M DATING ALASTAIR!!" I yelled in my head. I felt like I was dreaming, that I actually slapped myself a couple times. Nope this was all real.

I couldn't believe it. I told Luna and she flipped. She was so happy for me that she hugged me. "CONGRATULATIONS!!" Luna exclaimed. I thanked her and she kinda just stared at me for a second.

Me and AlastairWhere stories live. Discover now