Who are you?

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AN: This is my first go at writing, I hope you enjoy reading it!
*This is a slight crossover with Riverdale, that all started with the idea of Bonnie Bennett and Toni Topaz as a ship and wondering how and why would Kol have to turn Bonnie into an upgraded Original.

A knock at Bonnie's door startled her. When she opened it there was no one standing there but when she looked down there was a manila envelope addressed to her in an elegant font.

"Dearest Bonnie,
Many apologies for the incident in the caves. Allow me to show my gratitude for your assistance in freeing me by extending this invitation to the formal ball I am hosting this evening. We have so much to discuss.
Esther Mikaelson"

"Esther Mikaelson. Great, is that another Original? Like Klaus and his siblings weren't enough," Bonnie grumbled aloud.

A town ball? Hosted by the Original Vampire family? Inside the last coffin was supposed to be the key to finally killing Klaus, once and for all. Now there was a new Mikaelson in town, throwing a party like it's 1599. There was a reason she'd dreamed prophetically about the coffin, there was a reason she was drawn to vampire business. Whatever it was, maybe this Esther could give her answers as to what to do about Klaus. Either that or she would die trying, taking them all out. It was decided then, she would attend the ball and see this through.

After confirming with Elena that they would both be in attendance at this Mikaleson ball, the duo headed into town to make a shopping trip. Bonnie's father was out of town as usual but she had his credit card. Bonnie picked a gorgeous satin deep maroon gown with a corseted waist that dipped low in the back and emphasized her form in all the right places before it flared out at the waist with chiffon skirting over the opaque one. She even bought Elena's black with gold accents ballroom beauty gown, thinking why not splurge? When was the last time she got to attend a fancy ball? From the looks of the invitation, she surmised it was to be quite the sophisticated shindig, dress code strictly enforced! Her dad would have to understand she's infiltrating a possible life or death situation if he saw the bill. She needed to look the part.

After purchasing the dresses, they met with Caroline at The Grille. They needed her on board in case the Salvatore's (who were nowhere on the guest list) went into overprotective bodyguard mode on Elena and disrupted the peace in front of all the townspeople in attendance. It was definitely their style, their usual fashion of protecting her or fighting over her. Always causing a scene.

Rebekah waltzed in with a tall, brown-haired teen who looked strangely familiar but Bonnie was sure she'd never seen him in her life. He looked to be near in age but his aura told Bonnie he was much older than that. He was ancient like Rebekah. Only his aura was almost warm and welcoming to Bonnie, whereas Rebekah's gave her alarm. He waited for Rebekah at the bar while she came over to chastise Elena. Who was he? Where did she know him from? He had that Original aura but there was something else to him, her witchy senses picked up on it immediately. She wondered if he could feel it too.

"Rebekah!" Elena hissed. "Klaus told you to stay away from me,"

Rebekah stared at her, clearly bored since the moment Elena spoke. "How bold and pathetic you are. Get over yourself, Elena. Not everything revolves around you."

Deep down, Bonnie was almost inclined to agree. She loved Elena but lately, everything seemed to revolve around her. There were other important people in their lives who kept getting hurt all in the name of protecting her. Elena, being a doppelgänger and the main cause of the vampire business that the Salvatores wrought upon the town. There was no way she would ever let Stefan go. And wherever Stefan went, Damon was never far away, seething and plotting how he could ruin the next person who looked at him sideways, no matter how much it hurt Stefan or Elena, whom he claimed to love.

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