The answer's on the other side

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AN: Kol and Bonnie start to learn a little more about each other's lives outside of magic and their complicated relationship reaches a turning point.

The way the expression triangle works with the hunter and finding the cure is completely made up by me, I changed it to how I thought it made the most sense. There's only one active hunter but he can identify 4 other potentials. The story of Silas and Quesiyah is just a legend at this point, but the spell actually works to find the cure, not that it will do Silas any good, being trapped at the bottom of the ocean. That's because this universe started off relatively similar to canon but went askew the moment Damon killed Jeremy when Elena revealed it's always gonna be Stefan. There's no Jeremy here, his death was permanent. I'm starting to feel like these chapters are bit lengthy. Going to do my best to shorten the next one! Unless you don't mind?

*Dislcaimer: it should be noted that I do not own these characters.

The remaining Mikaelson's had called a meeting at the mansion with the Mystic falls gang the following Monday to devise a stop to Esther's filicide plan. The entire crowd besides Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Matt, Tyler, included Katherine Pierce, Nadia Petrova, and April Young, who as expected had risen as a vampire. She completed her transition with a blood bag from Caroline. All the cards by necessity (and much to Elena's dismay) had been laid out on the table about the prophecy, expression triangle, hunter, and cure, except the Mikaelson's were left unaware there was another doppelgänger that Esther was after. Kol remained mum about the fact that Esther had been channeling Bonnie, his reason being his family would see her as a threat. As far as the rest of the Originals knew, Bonnie still had her magic, she just needed to learn a new way to practice the task at hand. She was basically in the clear for the fact that she needed expression to find the cure anyway.

It was decided that the Mikaelson's would procure the needed vampires while Damon, Elena, and Stefan would embark on a mission to find rogue witches. Bonnie had insisted much to everyone's annoyance (except the three youngest vampires and humans) that she wouldn't allow the blood of anyone else innocent to be spilled. She had gotten their word that the vampires and witches needed would be those who were guilty of heinous crimes in their lifetime.

Kol would mentor Bonnie in the ways of expression, Caroline would in turn mentor April on how to blend in as a vampire, and the rest of the gang would train to fight against the vampire hunter. It was an agreement formed in palpable trepidation since various sides were thought to have their own agendas. This wasn't exactly a misplaced sentiment since there were revenge plots brewing beneath the surface, for centuries now. Kol had informed Bonnie that Elijah was strangely suspicious of his meeting with Bonnie at the time her ancestors turned on her. He also divulged that Elijah was barely keeping Klaus from killing Katherine and her long-lost daughter Nadia, as he'd been searching for the doppelgänger for five hundred years. Nadia seemed to harbor a grudge against her mother as well. Stefan and Elena remained at odds with Damon over anything and everything. Then there was Rebekah who tried to kill Elena for getting her daggered this year. Tyler, a werewolf who noticed the attention Klaus gave his girlfriend, Caroline. Matt hated all vampires, especially the Originals and Damon but seemed to get on well with Rebekah and Nadia, at least. Finally, there was April, who looked like she'd rather be anywhere else, the poor girl was clearly overwhelmed. Bonnie couldn't help but worry that this could blow up in everyone's face.

The young witch sighed as she took a deep breath and let her newly appointed mentor lead her down the halls of the mansion.

"Right this way, love," Kol led her down the familiar corridor that she'd walked down when she went to meet Esther for the first and only time. He even stopped in front of the same door and went inside to gather some items. It was an upper-level study that also housed some dark objects and supplies needed for various spells. Kol produced a burlap sack and filled it with the needed items before he led them back into the hall and out of a pair of French doors leading to a large patio. Past the patio, there was a garden wrapped around a fountain, which had benches in four different spots around the fountain.

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