Something is wrong with my magic

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AN: Enzo emerges with a heretic who can help with the proximity spell on Bonnie, leading Bonnie to have a magical night with Kol, which she soon discovers has magical consequences.

Kol must leave town for a reprieve to help find a solution for Bonnie's siphon problem, and Elena makes a startling discovery.

By magical night, I mean they're going to make luuuurrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvveeee!!!!!

I'm sorry. I have to make everything awkward. You are hereby warned for that sort of sex scene.

***UPDATE I needed to add some context to a lot of these chapters because this story is a lengthy trilogy that's constantly being updated, and I wanted to make sure I convey everything I need for the mood of the story for part one, so the next parts can make sense. I'm making sure to add context where it's needed, and for the plot lines that seem to have gotten a bit lost along the way, (like my budding Bamon friendship and the hybrid agenda) I've got a special way I'm working that out 😉😎🤭. So I'm still working towards getting these updates out as well as many other fics because my imagination can't stop, won't stop 😝

Working on my crossover fics as well, that entails a LOT! Still super excited for it. UPDATE***

Songs for this chapter are:

Teenage Dream -by Katy Perry
Electrify -by Mutemath
Positions -by Ariana Grande

Bonnie's POV

Back at the boarding house, an emergency meeting was taking place. Everyone was trying to figure out what to do about Bonnie's newfound captivity in her hometown. There were arguments about who could best keep her safe, where she should stay, and how to take out Kai. The only person missing from the whole entourage was Enzo who had been weirdly absent since Damon's most recent death. He chose that moment to show up with a red haired woman.

"Nice of you to show up, finally. After shit hit the fan." Damon smarted when he saw Enzo.

"At least I came back, right mate?" Enzo replied.

"Why did you leave?" Elena asked.

"Why are you even here, Enzo?" Bonnie glared at him. "We aren't even really friends and all you did was annoy and harass me while I was the anchor."

"Well hello to you too, Bonnie. I guess I'll skip the niceties. You did me a kindness by bringing me back from the other side. Thought I'd show you my gratitude by bringing you this." He pointed to the redhead who had accompanied him. She scowled at Enzo.

"I have a name, thanks. It's Valerie. I can help you with your siphon problem."

"First of all, I didn't bring you back. You hijacked your way back, remember?" Bonnie turned to the redhead, not missing the way Kol's eyes studied Enzo. Maybe she shouldn't have shown such disdain for him, especially not in front of Kol. "How can you help? How do you know about siphons?"

"For starters, I used to be one." She answered.

"Technically, she still is." Enzo added.

"I'm what they call a heretic. I was a siphon witch but I was made vampire. I'm able to siphon from my vampirism to still be able to do magic." Valerie explained.

"But witches can't be vampires or they'll lose their magic," Bonnie insisted, glancing at Kol.

"Traditional witches can't of course. But since Valerie here was a siphon witch, she had no magic of her own, needing to siphon from a source but now her vampirism is the source." Enzo replied.

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