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It has been 10 years since the Fall of Hogwarts:School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was painful for many to endure and watch. As well as the murder of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, meaning all hope was crushed in one single night.

Letting it be known, that no one was safe anymore.

5 years ago, due to an unforeseen event magic was revealed to the muggle world setting off a trickling set of traumatic events. Causing the world to erupt in fear and war between muggles and the infamous 'dark ones'.

The world was a disaster as it became a vicious war zone in every single corner.

Death Eaters were enslaving muggles and rebellious witches/wizards, making them the ultimate enemy. Muggles tried to fight back magic with their high tech advances, making them a worthy adversary.

The Magi War was endless, neither side was seeing an end to their cause.

The streets continued to be painted red, night and day.


Harry Thomas Riddle

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Harry Thomas Riddle

The prophesied boy who rained chaos and anarchy upon Europe with the most dangerous trio to enter the wizarding world; The Dark Three.

Harry Riddle was raised by the most powerful and brutal wizard of them all, Lord Voldemort.  Also called The Dark Lord, he helped mold his son Harry into the most ruthless killing machine today.

It is said that Harry was actually an orphan, that Lord Voldemort found roaming the streets of Godric's Hollow. Lord Voldemort denied these allegations and said that Harry is his own flesh and blood.

Regardless, an ancient prophecy said he would be given a son that would forever change the Wizarding World.

Harry lived up to this prophecy, as he was taught nothing but destruction and blood as payment. He destroyed everything he touched, murdering whoever he wanted without a thought. As well as taking claim to who and whatever he damn well pleased. He was Lord Voldemort's son and he used that to his biggest advantage.

Among Harry, stood a few others that helped bring Muggles and rebellious witches/wizards to their knees.

Among Harry, stood a few others that helped bring Muggles and rebellious witches/wizards to their knees

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