Someone that ticks all the boxes

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Holtzmann had been keeping an eye on Erin from afar, and she'd also downed four drinks in the meantime. She looked down at her current glass, enjoying the buzz from the alcohol and also the fact that Erin was maybe going to have a good night after all. She looked up from her drink, expecting to see Erin still near the bar, but she had gone and the blonde panicked for a moment, looking around, not seeing her colleague anywhere. She turned around, looking through the crowd, but not seeing the red-head. Holtz didn't want to alert Abby or Patty, what with Erin being a grown woman and all, but Holtzmann had promised to look after her, and she felt that still meant keeping tabs on where she was. Arms suddenly grabbed Holtzmann and she was surprised to see it was Erin.
"Can we go somewhere quiet?"
"Sure," Holtzmann replied, "there's a balcony type thing I spotted earlier, it'll be cold though."
Erin shook her head, throwing back the last of her wine, "That's fine," she said following Holtzmann, and they walked down one of the side corridors. They walked side by side and Holtzmann pointed ahead, a glass door was the entry to what looked like a small outside area, overlooking the city.
Holtzmann pushed the door open for Erin as they went through, wondering what had happened to the man in the suit. The sky had started to grow dark and there were a couple of lights on the wall, thankfully illuminating the area. A handful of wrought iron chairs and small table sat to one side and Erin dragged the bottom of her dress as she walked over, sitting down. Holztmann followed, choosing to sit on a chair next to Erin rather than opposite her, using one of the other chair to rest her legs on.
"You okay Erin?"
The red-head nodded, looking down to her hands that were in her lap and then up to the city view. "I'd just really like to attract someone, someone that ticks all the boxes."            'I'm guessing Mr Christopher didn't?' Erin shrugged, 'No, he wasn't really that interested in me.'
Holtzmann nodded, "Are you lonely Er?"
The woman nodded, "Is it selfish?" Holtzmann shook her head, pulling her legs off the chair, turning to Erin, taking her hands from her lap and into her own. "Not at all babe."
Holtzmann hesitated, "Erin, you are beautiful, beautiful in every sense of the word." Erin looked up at her friend, smiling softly. "I mean it Er," Holtzmann continued, "You're smart, funny, clever. You are so caring and considerate and you're kind Er, you have such kindness and such a softness. I'd date you in a heartbeat." Erin smiled at her friend's kind words, "Thank you Jill." Holtzmann could feel the cold in Erin's hands so she kept them in her lap, stroking them softly and Erin didn't seem to mind.
"What about you Holtz?"
"Yeah, what about your perfect person?" Holztmann laughed.
"Holtz I mean it," Erin said, repeating Holtz's words, "I mean look at you, you're a stunner, you're basically a genius, you always make me laugh and always make me feel like I matter and you'd do anything for anyone. You always make sure I have snacks to eat, plus you gave me your bed the other day remember. You're always so generous and you share so much with me, and you offered to look after me tonight. Plus you always make me smile, always." Holtzmann blushed, not so much at the compliments but at the fact that Erin was referring to herself when giving examples. Holtz looked down to Erin's hands, lifting one up and touching Erin's knuckles to her lips, planting a soft kiss. She didn't looked back up, not wanting to see Erin's reaction but at the same time wanting to look at her. "Erin," Holztmann whispered, putting Erin's hand back in her lap, she looked at the woman, and Erin's face just had a distant smile upon it, she nodded waiting for Holtzmann to continue. The blonde took a shallow breath, looking at Erin and then away, "You tick all my boxes," she whispered, pausing, "you always have." Holztmann swallowed hard, feeling her hands suddenly sweaty on Erin's and she pulled away, Erin pulling her hands slowly from Holtzmann's lap, lingering almost.
"Jill," Erin hesitated, unsure of what to say.
"You don't need to say anything," Holtzmann said, meeting her colleagues eyes, "I just wanted you to know, I'm feeling hopeful I guess. It could even be the alcohol," Holtzmann looked away briefly, "Sorry Erin, I didn't mean, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Holtzmann stood up, and began to walk away.                  "Hey," Erin said, standing up too, and walking over to Holtzmann, she faced the shorter Ghostbuster, smiling, "you promised you were going to look after me tonight." Holtzmann nodded slowly, looking at Erin, and the redhead could see the pain in the blonde's face. Erin closed her eyes briefly, and reached her hand up to Holtzmann's cheek, stroking it softly with her fingers.  "Jill," she whispered, her mouth suddenly dry, "I've wanted to ask you out since we met." Holtzmann creased her brow, turning her face towards Erin's fingers, her lips tight, confused. Erin shuffled on her feet, the air was cold and she was nervous. "I wanted to, but I didn't know if you..." Erin paused, Holztmann's face breaking into a soft smile and she removed her jacket, putting it over Erin's shoulders. Erin touched it and readjusted it, tiling her head a little, the scientist's aroma filling her nose.

Holtzmann stepped in close to Erin and wasted no time in pulling the other woman close and reaching her hand up into Erin's hair, the two of them leaning into each other and kissing.  Holtzmann suddenly feeling every positive emotion course through her body, bringing both her arms up and around Erin's neck as the taller woman slid her arms around the blonde's back. Erin was no longer cold, instead her body was full of warmth and her lips softly rolled against the blonde's and she moved her hand to hold the woman's face and Holtzmann moaned softly, dancing her tongue on Erin's lips, the redhead parting her lips softly and inviting the woman in. They kissed long and deep, Erin's fingers tangling in Holtz's blonde hair, their hips tight together. Erin couldn't quite believe her openness with Jillian but she had wanted her to know, she'd been so desperate to let her know for so long, but she was afraid, afraid of rejection, judgement and afraid of ruining a friendship. They parted briefly, still holding each other and Holtzmann clutched Erin's face with her hands, planting small kisses to her lips.  "I've wanted this for so long," Holztmann whispered, her breath sweet against Erin's face. Erin nodded her head, exhaling softly, "I'm glad I don't have to imagine what it's like to kiss you any more." Holtzmann blushed.

Ticking All The BoxesWhere stories live. Discover now