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Prologue | Before It Happened

"Ji-ho," before the girl could even leave school for the day, she looked over to see her uncle, Byeong-chan, who had called her. "Have you seen Jin-su?" He asked as he watched his niece shake her head, no. "He doesn't want me to help him," Ji-ho mentions as other students pass by them. 

Byeong-chan nodded at her answer, understanding what she meant. "Alright, you go home safely. Thank you," Byeong-chan patted Ji-ho's shoulder and quickly walked away. "Wait! Uncle," Ji-ho tried to get her uncle's attention again, but he was already gone. "Damn," Ji-ho sighed as she scratched her neck. 

"Ji-ho, come on!" Ji-ho hesitantly walked over to her friends, Nam On-jo and Yoon I-sak. "What did Mr. Lee want?" I-sak asked as Ji-ho shrugged her shoulders. "He asked me where Jin-su was," she replied. Her uncle is the science teacher in school and her cousin also studies in the same school but he's been constantly bullied to the point he goes to the hospital. 

She always helps but he pushes her away and tells her that she's making it worse. "Your cousin, right?" On-jo asked as Ji-ho nodded. "Oh, wait! I have to get home early. I have to take care of my brother today before night classes start," Ji-ho told them. "Oh, can we stay at your house for a while?" On-jo asked with a smile which made Ji-ho roll her eyes. 

"You—" Ji-ho felt her short dark hair being ruffled as she cut her statement short. "Yo!" Gyeong-su greeted the girls as Cheong-san removed his hand on top of Ji-ho's head and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "We're going to Ji-ho's house, want to join?" I-sak asked and made Ji-ho roll her eyes again. 

"You just want to use my smart TV or watch me work," Ji-ho lightly punched I-sak's arm and watched as her friend laughed. "I'm down. Free Netflix," Gyeong-su joked as Ji-ho sighed and the others laughed. 

"Come on!" On-jo led the way as the others followed behind her with Cheong-san wrapping his hand around Ji-ho's wrist to let her catch up. They stopped running midway and finally got to the apartment complex.

The group chatted while Ji-ho just listened as they went up the elevator. Ji-ho's wrist was still being held by Cheong-san and the others planned to tease him later. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Everyone got out and Ji-ho tugged on Cheong-san's sleeve when they got out of the elevator. 

"Cheong," Cheong-san looked at her as she lifted their hands. "Are you going to let go or?" She asked and Cheong-san immediately removed his hand from her wrist. "Sorry," Cheong-san looked anywhere but at her, and they followed the others to her apartment. "You don't have to apologize every time," she chuckled and walked ahead. 

"I'm going into my apartment first," On-jo pointed at her door. "I'll go and do the same," Cheong-san pointed over to his as well and both got a thumbs up from their friends. "Dang, it must be nice to live close together," I-sak complained and Ji-ho looked at her with a jokingly scared look. 

"Trust me. You don't want that," Ji-ho commented and proceeded to unlock her door. "I'm home!" Ji-ho shouted as she removed her shoes and her friends followed suit. "Sis!" Ji-ho looked up to see Dal running over to her. "Dal," Ji-ho carried her brother up as her father came to view. 

"Staying for a bit?" In-su asked Ji-ho's friends and both nodded in answer. "On-jo and Cheong are staying here for a bit too," Ji-ho added which In-su gave her a thumbs up. "Glad that I cooked enough for all of you then," In-su kissed his children on the forehead as he went over to put on his shoes.

"We're here!" On-jo opened the door with a smile with Cheong-san behind her. "Perfect timing!" In-su stood up and looked over at Cheong-san as Ji-ho placed Dal down. "You're in charge," In-su pointed at Cheong-san and he waved goodbye to all of them. 

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