Train to Busan?

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Chapter 2 | Train to Busan?

Ji-ho's eyes were locked on the student eating another student and she slowly walked past them. Suddenly, she was pushed down on the floor and saw other students running away outside and getting eaten. The bloodied zombie-like students noticed Ji-ho and she began to run up the stairs. She doesn't bother to turn back as a lot of zombies notice her running up the stairs. 

She quickly turned left and quickly ran to an empty classroom where it was empty of —whatever those were. She hid behind the door and held the door closed as she panted. My day is just getting worse today. As she held the door closed, she didn't feel any force trying to open the door. 

She faced the door and slowly let go of the door to see if the zombie students would open the door, which they didn't. She noticed that they were just clawing at the doors. They all growled as they saw her and tried to get to her but couldn't get into the classroom. Ji-ho sits by the door again to try to hide and the angry growling stops. 

She heard a growl from one of the zombies and heard a lot of running footsteps and a scream after. Ji-ho regretted leaving the cafeteria, but little did she know that dozens of zombies were biting other students as she was safe somewhere in the meantime. Ji-ho quietly crawled over to the other door to see if it was closed, and it was thankfully. 

She sighed in relief but flinched as she noticed a zombie stuck under the teacher's desk and many other desks on top of it. Ji-ho looked around for something to cover their head and found a hanging jacket on one of the desks beside her.

She quickly covered the zombie's head with the jacket and the zombie stopped growling. She watched as the zombie looked left and right. She finally let out her breath as she continued to hear a lot of students screaming. She opened her phone and hoped that her phone had a signal, which it did and she sighed in relief. 

She heard a lot more screams as she turned on her phone. She called 112 and quietly went over to the window to look outside. She noticed that she was on the third floor and looked down to see a lot of zombies running around. It made her remember the movie she watched years ago. "Train to Busan," she muttered softly as the screams didn't stop. 



She heard from below her. Before she could try to open the window, she heard her phone click. "Hello, what is your emergency?" She heard a woman's voice coming from her phone. "Um, hello, um. There are a lot of students biting other students in my school. By bite, I mean biting like you're eating meat," Ji-ho answered and she could hear the confusion coming from the woman. 

A bang was heard, and Ji-ho looked over to see a lot of zombies scratching or trying to get inside the classroom. "Miss if this is a prank—"
"It's not a prank," Ji-ho interrupted her and used her serious tone. A lot of other screams were getting louder and she thinks the woman got serious too.

"Have you seen Train to Busan?" Ji-ho asked. "Yes?" The woman replied. "The people are acting like that and there's a lot of people turning into zombies. Please, my school is Hyosan High School, and we need help," she told her desperately. "Alright, I'll get the fire department and the police coming here. May I ask what your name is?" The woman asked. 

"Hak Ji-ho," Ji-ho answered. "Ok, Ji-ho, I want you to calm down and I'll get reinforcement for you," and with that, the call ended. Ji-ho placed her phone back in her pocket as she went to her class's group chat. 

"Is anyone still alive?" 

"I've already called 112 and I'm pretty sure that they'll be getting more calls after mine, but I'll try calling the fire department," she texted, hoping that one of her classmates had their phone as she did. She made another call again and someone picked up. "Hello, what is your emergency?" A man answered the call and Ji-ho started to think if she should lie or tell the truth. 

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