"Pineapple Jello"

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The next day of school, things were just as they were yesterday. Class was just as rowdy but Kusuo didn't seem to mind. Everyone was expecting Y/N to come to school, but she didn't...The bell rung and she was nowhere to be seen. After that, the entire class was in low spirits. Saiki was actually surprised, Teruhashi's presence seemed to cheer them up some, but it just wasn't the same. 

Kaidou ; "I really wanted to talk about the dark reunion with her...She was the only one who seemed to listen yesterday..."

Yumehara ; "She was so rich...."

Mera ; "Her food was top quality..."

Teruhashi ; "Why aren't they fawning over me since she isn't here? My godly presence should make them feel 10X better!?!?!"

The entire class ; "I wish Y/N was here..."

Saiki ; "Why are they all thinking in sync? I guess things do seem a bit dim compared to yesterday, but Teruhashi's presence should make up for that."

During the class break, everyone was still upset, Hairo had been crying at his desk for the longest. Saiki already knew where Y/N was, He used his clairvoyance to see that she was sleeping in...He figured he'd wake her up and get her to hurry to school. Not even 15 minutes later, she came bursting through the classroom doors with 8 bento boxes, she was struggling like crazy but managed to get them all to her desk, the class immediately went into an uproar after that. 

Kaidou ; "Y/N, We're so glad you're here!...I-I mean...glad...y-you could make it."

Yumehara ; "Ahhh! You made it on time! We were all worried, it's only your second day!"

Saiki ; "She was an hour late...."

Hairo ; "Y/N!!!! Glad you pushed through your urge to sleep! What are those boxes you got there though?" 

Y/N ; "Well....For all the help you guys gave me yesterday, I figured I had to do something for you all in return. I made each of you a bento box! I made you all little rice omelets with your names spelled on them!"

Nendo ; "Y'know I'd prefer ramen but thanks Y/N."

Kaidou and Kuboyasu : "SHUT UP YOU PLASTERBRAIN IDIOT!!!!"

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at all their odd behavior, she'd begin to pass out all of their bento boxes. Once she went to give Saiki his, he didn't do much but give her a head nod. 

Y/N ; "I forgot to mention, there are these little coffee jelly cups I found at the store, I put them in there for like a little desert!" 

Saiki ; "Maybe you are an angel." 

Teruhashi ; "Saiki!!! U-Uhh...Saiki really loves sweet things Y/N you should make them for him more often...." 

Saiki ; "I wonder how Y/N would react if she heard Teruhashi's real thoughts. It's been sort of a drag to hear how low she's willing to stoop, just to get Y/N out of her way."

Y/N ; "Really? I'm good at making sweets! My nana was a baker, so she'd always let me lick the bowl and watch her bake cakes, and cupcakes and pineapple jello...All that good stuff." 

Saiki ; "Pineapple jello..."

Y/N ; "Mhm! Want me to make you some?"

Saiki ; "Mmm..."

The class went silent as they waited on Saiki's reply, he simply nodded. The class cheered him on for getting Y/N to make him a personal dish. As class started up again, Teruhashi's thoughts got more and more violent, Saiki was genuinely shocked.

Teruhashi ; "I'll...I'm the perfect pretty girl...I can't slip up."

Saiki ; "Why don't you just try getting along with her? Good grief...But that pineapple jello sounds good, she draws to much attention though, which isn't good. Maybe if I can help Teruhashi get her crown back, thing's will be a least a bit more normal."

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