Chap 28 the first move of darkness

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You were shaking in your seat knowing Pyrrha's Semblance was polarity control metal and Penny is metal. Pyrrha looks confident and focused while Penny salutes 

Penny: (hands on her hips in excitement) Sal-u-tations, Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honor to finally meet you!

Pyrrha: it's also an honor meeting you 

Penny: This is going to be so much fun!

Martha: Fighters, are you ready?

Your mind: please go easy on her Pyrrha 

Penny beams widely in anticipation, Pyrrha gets in a ready position and smiles at her opponent, her weapons Miló and Akoúo̱ already in hand.

I notice Pyrrha team were cheering, Cinder looks worried, eurcy just looks away and Emerald looks depressed 

Martha: 3, 2, 1...BEGIN

Suddenly, Penny is surrounded by Floating Array, gesturing the swords around to her command before launching a volley of them at Pyrrha, who runs towards them and leaps though or deflects each aimed blade. The swords fly into the air until they turn around and come back to the fight.

Pyrrha, now having returned the shield to her back, twirls the javelin to block each sword swipe of Penny's, dropping her weapon when she needs to somersault away after being hit by a slash, only to magnetically return it to her hand as Penny readies another wave of blades.

Port: My word! What a tremendous display by Miss Polendina!

Fully glowering, Pyrrha rushes forward and jumps on an incoming sword, swinging down on Penny, only to have the assault halted by a collection of blades, though she leaps away from the retaliatory slice as Penny backs away as well. She tries to defend against the multitude of swords with the length of her weapon, but is forced back regardless, prompting Pyrrha to roll the shield from her back onto her arm with her polarity.

Nora: (cheering with her arms wide alongside a fist-pumping Ren and June) Whoo, yeah! Goooo Pyrrha!

Despite the cheers, Pyrrha isn't doing well, looking down for a but then looks back up

You: please don't worry

As if my words got to her she looks at my section of the stadium and faintly nods

Pyrrha spins wildly as she deflects and dodges each sword, until she gets close enough to Penny to deliver a few slashes with the spear, sending her flying back as Pyrrha bats aside the blades called to their wielder's aid. Penny slides to a stop and makes a new series of motions, the weapons folding up until she's circled by several laser rifles, a few of which open fire on the approaching champion.

Pyrrha avoids the blasts and fights off the remaining swords with her blade until she slides into position to charge at Penny and knock her back. Pyrrha straightens with a victorious grin that disappears into dizziness, just as she sees Penny rocketing forward, weapons firing behind her like a jetpack so she can leap into the air, then come down as an energized meteor on her opponent.

Rolling back to her feet, Pyrrha doesn't expect a sword to knock her shield off, then another to do the same for her blade. She tries to get the latter back with her magnetism, but has to use the power to send a flying sword back at Penny's side. It disappears behind Penny, only for her to grin and raise her arms as several appear above her, aimed to strike.

But then a sharp sound I can hear comes through as Penny's eight swords double, then triple, multiplying into an unreal thicket of blades. At the sight of this, Pyrrha unsteadily steps back, both in reality where the eight swords are ready to go forth and in the hallucinated world, where the cloud of weapons thicken to even block the crowds around her.

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