Chapter 16: First Task

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"You've grown up to be so beautiful."

"Excuse me?" you managed to say despite the internal battle of assumptions in your brain. I mean, he did compliment you. And you loved compliments. They added the fuel to the fire of your pride; acted as evidence for your narcissism. But, no, back to the topic at hand.

Soma clutched your hand tighter and you could tell he was uneasy.

"Ah, yes," Dojima-san wiped his partial tears. "I'm sorry. Having a middle-aged man come up to you out of nowhere must be startling."

"It is, yes. Is there something you wanted to say, sir?" you asked.

"No," the panic in his voice was clearly audible. "Nothing, just wanted to wish you both all the best."

"Oh, thank you," you responded, not really believing him. The man straightened his back as he noticed Soma standing beside you. He narrowed his eyes as if recalling something.

"You, young man," his eyes pointed towards Soma. "Are you Yukihira?"

Soma was surprised as his eyes widened a little at the man-passing-Totsuki-with-highest-marks-in-history knowing who he was. "Yeah, I am," he smirked as you could read the I'm-fucking-amazing expression on his face.

His gaze fell upon your intertwined hands as you watched him narrow his eyes with hints of concern and protectiveness, you dare say. "Are the two of you dating?"

Now, that seemed like an intrusion of privacy. But, two people holding hands in public don't appear to make a contrasting impression. Don't get it wrong, you didn't mind it one bit. If you could, you'd shout to the world that he belonged to you.

"U-" Soma started before you interrupted his claim.

"Yes, we are," you bowed a little. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're running a little late." Once he nodded, you dragged Soma by his hand as he tried to maintain his centre of gravity.

"Wait," Dojima-san regained his earlier lost equanimity to which you responded by looking back. "Actually, meet me here after completing your tasks for the day." You raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't question it. "That is if you make it," he added.

You smirked. You both—you and Soma—were such a strange couple. You both were so alike yet so different. You both were the personification of narcissism, the embodiment of self-respect and belief. You both were different in abilities and choices, no lie, but at the bottom of your hearts lay the same character. You both were the living contradiction to 'opposites attract'.

"Well, then, we'll take our leaves," Soma stated still not relieving your hand, you didn't want him to anyway. Dojima-san waved his hand and you both returned the gesture.

After attaining a fairly safe distance, you questioned, not really expecting a satisfactory response, "What was that all about?"

"Guess we'll have to clear day one to know 'bout that," he answered, looking into space.

Following a long, quiet walk to your group's­—group F's task site, you finally reached. You excused yourself to the bathroom to change into your chef attire— plain white pants, and a plain white button-up shirt. Entering the mansion-type building, you were greeted by a soft, elated voice. "It seems you all are here." You recognized her as one of the alumni chefs from the assembly. She was your assigned evaluator.

"In my class, you'll be working in pairs. You'll be in the same pairs as your first practicum of the semester." Well, well, would you look at that? It was as if the universe was desperately pushing you both together. You got Soma, act as if you didn't just anticipate that. Soma approached you for a high-five while smiling widely like the idiot he was and you happily returned it. You got to your kitchen counter and started retrieving the necessary utensils.

In a second or so, a blonde, rather handsome student accompanied by a brown-haired, obese but cute guy walked up to you two. "Yukihira-kun and (L/N)-san, is it?"

"Hm," you folded your arms in a defensive embrace, turning to face him. You didn't believe any random blonde kid approaching you and identifying you both perfectly could ever be a lucky indication.

And that was substantiated by the guy grinding his dirty shoe on Soma's shoe fiercely in a disapproving demeanour. Having anticipated this outcome, you, almost instantly, rammed your foot on the guy's. So, basically, he had his shoe on Soma's, and you had your shoe on his, and you both had your shoes on Soma. Aesthetic

"Get your foot off mine," he demanded; his gaze laced with unmistakable hatred.

"Get your foot off his, blondie," you spoke in a low whisper. You could tell the little nickname offended his ego.

"Don't sulk. Your shoe is next in line," he added with a smirk.

"See," you began nonchalantly, never disrupting the eye contact, "I'm not a woman of many words." You pulled back your foot only to kick his, making him stumble a bit, not alleviating his existing anger. "So, take your insecurity up your ass and leave."

"Am I non-existent to you guys?" Soma spoke, instantly relieving the heavy tension. You were grateful and not so grateful to him for that statement.

"You realize it now?" you replied and tried to ignore the blondie's earlier and present actions.

The unknown blondie cleared his throat, catching your and Soma's attention once again. "I was wondering when I'd get to mess with you both during camp but to cross paths in our first task—I certainly am lucky. I'll crush you just like your shoe," he smirked. Soma returned the smirk.

"And I'll kick you just like your shoe if you don't stop spouting nonsense," you remarked.

"Sure, sure, this makes me happy, Yukihira Soma, (Y/N) (L/N). I can finally pay you back for the entrance ceremony." An interested expression replaced the usual, lousy grin on Soma's face.

"I get your point, hm," Soma nodded, ever so dumbly.

Your little argument was interrupted by the instructor who you'd forgotten was even in the room. "Okay, everyone! I'll be sitting right here. So, feel free to ask any questions."

"Uhm, coach, you haven't given any instructions yet," a student stated.

"Oh, yeah, so," she said, looking for the right words. Her next words were to create a dish in two hours that could serve as a Japanese main dish using the ingredients we'd find in this forest.


A horde of desperate students escaped the room at one time. You pulled Soma's arm, urging him to do the same.

"I'll definitely create a dish that tops yours!" the blondie added.

"Dude, we got it. Your enthusiasm is killing me," Soma responded, walking towards the door. You caught up to him, leaving the blondie and the brownie in the room.

There was a river around, so just like everyone, you decided to catch some fish. After getting two-three healthy fish and some vegetables, you headed back to the kitchen. It seemed as though everyone had caught fish except the blondie-brownie pair which had a duck. They were already dressing the meat when you arrived. And finely, might you add—better than Nikumi. You hadn't realised you were gawking at their counter. So was Soma.

"Forgive my belated introduction," he smirked noticing your stares. "I am Takumi Aldini, and this is my younger twin, Isami Aldini."

"Blondie and brownie sound better," you spoke. Takumi blushed embarrassedly which made you question your first impression of him. He looked like a sweet boy right now. Soma cracked a small laugh.

You watched them create their dish and were you not fascinated by it. The rest of the students had their eyes fixed on them too, that's how much they stood out. They were the first ones to serve. The coach was completely and entirely swept away by the charm of the dish. 

"You have passed my test," she smiled.

Well, that was expected. You knew at one glance that they weren't just some nobodies. He used his wits to create an exceptional dish, despite the limitations imposed on him.

He reminded you of someone. Soma.


(1343 Words)

Epiphany | Yukihira Soma X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now