Chapter Five: Itokan Diner

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• Suki Nakamura •

   I didn't know what Hiroto meant by trouble, but as soon as I entered the diner called "Itokan," I realized what he meant. The logo of Sannoh Rengokai caught my eye, reminding me of the unpleasant history between the Amamiya Brothers and Mugen. This diner must be their territory.

"Welcome to Itokan," a friendly girl greeted me with a sweet smile as I sat at the bar and looked at the menu. This would be my last bit of cash before going completely broke, so I needed to find a job as soon as possible.

Frustrated, the girl sighed while washing a stained white cloth. Having worked a few part-time jobs before, I knew a thing or two about stains. Unfortunately, despite earning money from the many part-time jobs I had, I ended up broke because my relatives would take my salary right away. They believed I owed them for taking me in, which might have been fair if I weren't still a minor.

"You should use baking soda," I told her, and she looked up, curious. "It helps a lot with stains like that."

She grabbed a box of baking soda and asked how much to use. I instructed her to sprinkle it on the stain, pour some water, and let it sit. She followed my advice, letting out a sigh.

"Some idiot spilled soy sauce on that pillowcase, and I just bought it," she lamented.

Understanding her frustration, I nodded.

"Have you decided what to order yet?" she asked.

"I'll have an order of onigiri," I replied.

"Sorry, we ran out of nori, but my friend is bringing some back soon. Can you wait?" she asked. Since it was the only thing I could afford, I had no choice but to wait.

"I'm not that hungry anyway," I admitted. It was true; I didn't have a big appetite, which Takeru used to scold me about.

"Do you happen to be new here? I haven't seen you before," the girl asked.

"Yes, that's right. I just recently moved to the Sannoh Region," I replied.

"Well, welcome to Sannoh Region!" she exclaimed with a cheerful tone, reaching out her hand. "I'm Naomi. And what's your name?"

"Nakamura Suki," I responded, shaking her hand warmly and offering a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, Suki. So, what brought you to Sannoh?" Naomi inquired curiously.

"Well, what can you do?" she inquired.

"I've been a waitress, a librarian, and worked at laundry places. I've done a few cleaning gigs as well, which is how I learned that stain trick," I replied, pointing at the cloth by the sink.

"If you're interested, I'm actually looking for new help here. I need someone to help with cleaning before and after opening, clearing tables after customers, and we can take turns with the dishes," she explained.

"That would be awesome!" I exclaimed, excited about the opportunity.

We discussed the job and the salary, including monthly pay, and shared tips. Landing a job so quickly felt unbelievable. Naomi seemed kind yet firm, with a touch of softness.

"You can work here for a trial day, and we'll see how you do. Also, my friends come over often, but they won't cause you any harm. Let me know if they bother you too much," she assured me.

"That's okay. I've worked at diners before, just not in Sannoh Region," I assured her.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a group of loud men barged into the diner. "Hey, ugly. I've got your nori," one of the men greeted Naomi. I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows at his disrespectful comment, especially considering how attractive Naomi was.

"That's Yamato," Naomi rolled her eyes before addressing him, "I stored some food for you in the oven. Go get it, and don't spill soy sauce on my pillowcase again!"

Yamato casually entered behind the counter and took a plate from the oven.

"You got a new friend?" Yamato looked at me, sizing me up as if I were a potential threat.

"Say hello to Suki, Itokan's new worker," Naomi introduced, "This is my friend, Yamato. Where's Cobra?"

Cobra? That's why he seemed familiar—Yamato was from Sannoh Rengokai. In one photo, a younger version of one of the Mugen leaders stood with a little girl who resembled Naomi. That explained why she was friends with someone from Sannoh Rengokai.

"You look familiar," Yamato pointed at me.

I shifted my gaze, not wanting to reveal that we had met at a club, courtesy of Cobra buying me a drink. Keeping it professional while working here seemed like the better option, especially since I had connections with the Amamiya Brothers. Gangs just take territories seriously in Sannoh Region.

Especially Sannoh Rengokai.

"Stop bothering my new employee and go home!" Naomi complained.

"Where do you think I come from and go to every night? Stupid."

I shrugged, not wanting them to know I was the girl they met at the club just yesterday. Fortunately, I had changed my outfit into something simple before coming here.

"Also, Dan, you are no longer allowed to hit on any of my workers. I plan on keeping her for the long term," Naomi commented, and the others teased Dan.

As the door opened, Cobra entered, radiating a certain aura that commanded attention. He still looked handsome up close.

"Cobra, this is Suki, Itokan's new worker," Naomi called.

His eyes locked onto me, his expression unchanged. I couldn't even tell if he was surprised to see me. But I found something intriguing about a cold and attractive man like him.

"What made you hire her, Naomi?" Cobra asked, making his way to the bar and taking a seat.

Cobra glanced at me, then back at Naomi.

"Well, I might need a hand when tourists come, and I think she could be more helpful than these idiots here who keep breaking my things," Naomi quipped, glancing at the boys who frowned in disagreement.

"If we break all your stuff, what's this?" Yamato tried to prove his point, referring to the plate he was eating from.

"Should I wait until you break that too?" Naomi retorted, placing her hand on her hip.

Cobra directed his attention to me. "Where are you from?" he asked.

"Nowhere. I'm currently looking for a place to settle down," I replied.

His gaze lingered on me for a moment, a hint of tension between us. I could tell he recognized me.

"You didn't follow me here, did you?" he inquired.

"You were the one who bought me a drink. Why should I be the one chasing?" The place fell silent until someone gasped loudly.

"That's right! She's the girl you all tried to set up with Cobra," Noboru exclaimed, pointing at me.

"How did she know Cobra was here?" Tetsu wondered.

I rolled my eyes. "As if I care enough to chase him here."

"What was that?" Cobra asked.

Ignoring him, I followed Naomi to the kitchen. After receiving my order, I said goodbye and headed home.

"Wait, take this," Naomi said, handing me an umbrella. I glanced out the window and realized it was raining heavily—something I hadn't noticed before.

"Thanks, I'll return it tomorrow," I told her, and she smiled.

I walked toward the door where Cobra stood, his cold glare surveying me from head to toe. It didn't bother me.

Longing to jump into bed and relax, I entered my unit and made sure to lock the door. Just as I was about to change into my sleepwear, the bathroom door opened.

"What the—"

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