Chapter Eleven: Agreement

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• Suki Nakamura •

   Being forced into anything was something I couldn't stand. Nobody had the right to dictate my decisions, not even Takeru. Yet, there was something about the youngest Amamiya that always left me speechless and defeated in arguments.

But despite everything I've been through, I refused to just give in.

"I'd rather be kidnapped every night and fight my way out than live with you!" I shouted at him, frustration boiling over.

"You were kidnapped because of me; your safety is my responsibility. You don't have a choice!" He retorted.

Mockingly, I raised my middle finger, "Oh, would you look at that? I do have a choice!"

"Aniki!" Hiroto called out to his older brother for help.

"Masaki!" We turned to face Masaki, who seemed unperturbed while eating his breakfast.

"At this rate, you two should just get married with the way you're always in each other's faces," Masaki said nonchalantly.

As the realization dawned upon both of us, we instinctively took a step back, creating some much-needed distance between us.

"Tell your brother how stupid he is," I glared at Hiroto.

"You are so infuriating, did you know that?" Hiroto's comment only made me roll my eyes.

"Likewise." I gave him a fake smile.

"Enough," Masaki finally spoke up, "Hiroto, why would you want to live with Suki? Are you married? Are you lovers? She's a woman and she's made it clear she doesn't want to live with you."

"Finally! A brother with a brain," I exclaimed, raising my arms in mock celebration.

"And Suki," Masaki turned to me, "I apologize for my brother, but his intentions are always good. It's just that sometimes he doesn't always go about things the right way. But you can't blame him for feeling a sense of responsibility to protect you, especially since you were kidnapped because of him."

Hiroto tilted his head, raising his brow at me.

"I don't need protection," I clarified.

"I know you can fight," Masaki continued, "Takeru could fight too; he was the best among all of us. But he died alone at the hands of the enemy. We couldn't protect him, Suki. So what I'm saying is, we should stick together and let us help you since you're in this situation because of us."

As I listened to Masaki's calm words, something clicked inside me. His explanation made sense, and I realized that having Masaki and his stubborn brother protect me from potential danger wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

"Fine." The word weighed heavily on my tongue, feeling even heavier than taking a punch to the gut. It was a reluctant acceptance, but deep down, I knew it was the right decision.

"Now, I shall go take a shower and wash all of your negative vibes away," Masaki announced cheerfully. "Hiroto, go drive Suki home."

"I am not—" I began to protest, but Masaki turned around with furrowed brows, making me sigh in defeat.

"What are you even waiting for?" I glared at Hiroto with my arms crossed in my chest.

Hiroto smirked and grabbed his leather jacket and keys, walking past me but not before whispering in my ear, "No choice."

"Shove this far up your ass," I muttered, raising my middle finger at him.

   As we rode back to the unit on the motorcycle, I sat behind Hiroto, struggling to contain my frustration. His presence was more irritating than anyone I had ever encountered before. Normally, I would have dealt with such annoyance by delivering a swift kick to their face to shut them up. But with Hiroto, it seemed like a constant battle to keep my temper in check.

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