15: Christmas Break

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Enjoy <3

Two Months Later

I stare out of my dark window as the time nears 7:30pm. The thick snowflakes fall smoothly coating everything in a sparkly white glow. The orange street lamp lights up the tiny corner of my street. I can see my breath fog up the little bit of the window I'm staring out of.

Today is Friday, and it was the last day of school before winter break. The triplets are supposed to be coming over any minute now to help me pack. We have a flight to LA at 2:30am which means we have to get to the airport at around 1 in order to make it through security and baggage on time.

I back away from the window and start to grab hoodies and T-shirt's that are hanging up in my closet. I hear the door creak open and shortly after feel arms wrap around my waist. A kiss is planted in my neck along with a smushed face.

"Happy two and a half months love." Matt whispers in my ear and kisses the side of my head. With a smile, I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his lips softly.

"Hey what the fuck we're here too." Nick walks in and shields his eyes. I roll my eyes and let go of Matt going to focus on packing again.

"You know what Nick? When we move in together in 6 months you're gonna have to deal with this a lot so you better get used to it." I fire back.

"Yeah Nick you wanted them together so bad and now look at you." Chris argues causing me and Matt to laugh.

"Okay enough arguing. I'm gonna set out clothes and you tell me if they're fit worthy or not. Got it?" The three boys nod and we focus on the task ahead.

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆

It took us about 2 and a half hours to pack. Mostly because we kept getting really side tracked and the boys thought it would be funny to try on my clothes and walk on a fake runway.

We board the plane at 2:15 and find our seats. They're rows of two seats so I sit next to Nick and Chris sits next to Matt behind us. It honestly didn't matter who I was gonna sit by because I'm gonna sleep the whole 6 hour flight.

"You can have the window seat if you want. I'm gonna pass the fuck out." I say to Nick grabbing my headphones out of my carry on bag. He slides into the seat and I put my bag in the overhead compartment.

"Goodnight. Sleep well." Nick chuckles at me.

"Goodnight Nick. Wake me up if the plane crashes." He scoffs as I close my eyes shuffling my playlist. Daylight by Taylor Swift floods my ears as I fall into a deep sleep.

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆

"Tate. Wake up!" I feel Nick shake me awake. I slowly open my eyes to meet Nicks next to me.

"I'm up." I say groggily.

"We're gonna land in like 20 minutes but I wanted to wake you up in case you had to pee before we have to buckle up and shit." I nod pausing my music and taking off my head phones. I stretch my arms in my seat and stand up walking to the bathroom. It felt nice to stretch my legs and my neck from the cramped seat.

Once I finish I make the trip back right as they were telling us to buckle up. Nick was also waking up Matt and Chris when I sat down. I rub my eyes and feel the turbulence of landing.

We wait till everyone is off to grab our things and leave the plane. Due to the time difference, it's 5:45am. We're all quiet and tired as we wait for Madi to pick us up. (I don't think she can actually drive irl but she can in this story bc it's fictional and I make the rules 😀)

Matt sits next to me and I scootch down a little bit allowing myself to lean over and lay my head in his lap. He brings his hands down to rub my scalp and play with my hair. I nearly fall asleep until Nick tells us that Madi is on the way.

About 10 minutes pass and she finally arrives. I've only met her once in person but we text and snap a lot so it's gonna be nice to see her again. We stand up grabbing our things and making our way (no not downtown) outside to the parking garage.

"Madi!" I'm the first one to see her and I run into her arms giving her the biggest hug. Madi is 2 years younger than us and I see her as the little sister I never had. Tears pool in my eyes as we giggle and hug like crazy. "Ugh I missed you so much." I whisper in her ear.

"I missed you too. This next week and a half is gonna be awesome." She squeezes me tightly again before letting go. She next moves on to Nick, then Chris, and lastly Matt.

We put our stuff in her trunk and head to her house. In the front is Nick and in the back it's Chris, then me, then Matt. I lean my head on Matt's shoulder and feel my eyes start to close again.

Matt's POV
We pull into Madis driveway and I notice that Tate is sound asleep on my shoulder. Instead of waking her up I have Madi show us where we're staying and I carry Tate in my arms to our room. She has a spare bedroom with a bed and two blow up mattresses. I rest Tate on the bed and go back downstairs to get our luggage.

We say hi to her mom before we all go get changed and go to sleep.


I realize this chapter is really short and really boring and I apologize. I wanted to do a time skip because I felt stuck where I was last at and I feel like a time skip was needed. I feel like the story is getting boring so I might find a way to spice it up again.

I just wanted to let you know that no matter how crazy the story gets I did make this story intending for it to be a happy ending so regardless of what happens Matt and Tate will end up together.

That being said I love you all and the next chapter most likely will not be out until Sunday or Monday due to the fact I'm busy ALL weekend.

QOTC: what's your favorite tv show/movie/book? You can either answer all or one. I don't mind :)

I love you all. Take care of yourselves <3

Choose love always.


My Lover Boy &lt;3 -Matty B. Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now