4: When The Dam Breaks

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Enjoy <3

Tiny bit of angst

TW: arguing with parent, mentions of grief/dead parent

I don't know if this is a major TW but if it is please skip through. There will be a summary

I will place astrics (*) when it starts and ends

If you need anyone to talk to my dms are open :)


I hear the immediate blaring of my alarm going off at 5:25 and I turn it off as soon as I can. Quietly, I grab everything I brought here last night and walk over to my house to get ready. Since I live across the street I usually just go over there to get ready in the morning.

Once I make it to my door, I stick my key in the lock turning it so it unlocks. I rub my eye with my fist and walk into the house.

With a yawn I make it up to my room and start getting ready. I throw on a black crop top with my burgundy zip up jacket, my favorite flair jeans, and my docs. I zip up my jacket a little bit before I go to the bathroom and brush my hair out. I throw on winged fox eyeliner, (I think that's the one with like the corner eyeliner) and some on my waterline. Then I curl my lashes and use my mascara.

When I start applying my chapstick in the mirror, I hear the door slam downstairs.

"Mom?" I yell. No answer. I grab my back pack and sling it on my shoulders, turning off the light to my room and closing my door. I finally make it down the stairs, my mom is sitting at the counter with her head in her hands.

"Mom?" She shoots her head up and looks at me. She looks exhausted. This is the longest I've seen her in one sitting. She has a frizzy ponytail, and here eyes are puffy and have huge bags from lack of sleep.


"Hi honey. Good morning." My immediate reaction is to be angry. I've barley seen her these days. She's always working. I shrug off what she says and walk over to the fridge to get a water for the day. "Why are you ignoring me? What did I do to you?" She sounds firmer now bringing her guard up.

I scoff at her trying to gather my thoughts.

"It's not what you did mom it's just what you've been doing too much of." I turn away from the fridge to face her. "Don't you realize this is the longest conversation we've had in maybe, I don't know, like six months?" She goes quiet for a second. "You've been working way too much. It's like you don't even care that I'm still here. Yeah, you send me off across the street but what does that do for me? It teaches me that you're not worried about me when you should be. All you do is work, come home to sleep maybe four hours and then get up and leave again before you even see me." My voice is more raised this time. I'm trying to get my point across to her.

"Honey you and I both know it's to pay the bills."

"Do I know that?" I lift my arms up in a shrug. "You can still work a normal shift and have time to hangout with your daughter." The tears pool in my eyes when I say this. But I will stand my ground. I refuse to cry. At least in front of her.

She stays silent. Like she doesn't even have a care in the world about what I'm saying.

"You don't even care that this might effect me. You don't even care that this is the only way your dealing with dad. There's no way you've even grieved him in the 11 years we've lived here."

"Don't you dare bring your dad into this." She points a strong finger at me.

"It's like you've forgotten that he was ever a part of our family. There's no pictures of him around, you're always gone. I don't think you actually understand the effects this has on someone." I quickly look over to the clock. 6:45. I have 15 minutes before the boys are showing up at my door. "I'm a freshly 18 year old teenage girl. I still need my mom. And that's hard to have when she's fucking working all the time!"

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