Wet and wild

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As soon as they entered the house, Luka felt like all eyes were on him and his friend and he was right, the flirtatious gazes from the drunk college girls had Jake grinning from left to right even if they weren't directed at him, he loved the attention.

Luka wanted to leave, but from seeing all of his teammates notice him come as they did a round of shots at the kitchen, he couldn't leave, he was their captain and he wanted to have fun even if that meant he had to put up with some drunk girl drooling on him all night.

He wasn't in the mood like Jake was, he didn't agree to come tonight to bring back a girl to the dorm room but by the looks of it, Jake was, and that annoyed Luka because he didn't feel like crashing on someone's couch or some random girls bed.

"My man! You came!" Ronnie shouted over the music to Luka. 


Luka groaned internally and followed Ronnie through the mass of drunk college students dancing until they both reached the kitchen, where all of the football team was, along with some girls he noticed and some he didn't.

He clasped hands with some teammates and nodded at some guys he didn't know as Mikki, a freshman gave him a bottle, not before removing the cap for him and flinging it onto the kitchen bench.

Luka didn't even notice Jake wasn't beside him anymore until Ronnie nudged his shoulder and hinted towards where everyone was dancing, and there was Jake and Vee visibly arguing amongst the crowd of sweaty, drunk, and loud students dancing along to whatever was playing.

"Man he's not getting it tonight." Ronnie laughed, as did some of the teammates upon noticing their argument go down.

"She's such a bitch, he should just dump her ass for good."

"Vee's a snake, once you're in her grasp..." Mikki dramatically shivers then takes a swig of his drink.

Luka said nothing, he knew how bad Vee was and so did his roommate, yet he wasn't ready to give up on the sex and drama which Vee provided, he was weak and that was his flaw and why I would never want him with his sister, not until he fixes this trait about him.

"Hey, man how's your knee holding?" 

Luka looks to Blake, he was studying to become a doctor and he sometimes helps out during training with any injuries any of the team got, he's a good guy but Luka always thought Blake didn't like him for some reason, and he didn't know why and he didn't bother asking.

"Good, thanks." 

He nods and takes a sip of his drink. "I didn't think you'd show up, with all the drama surrounding your roomie." 

Blake was obviously hinting towards Jake and Vee and all Luka could do was roll his eyes. 

"I came to drink, that's all." 

That is all Luka said before walking off with his drink in hand as he headed out the kitchen, leaving Blake and his questions behind, Ronnie had joined him with his drink and once they made it outside near the pool, that's when he realized what he had just walked into.

"Shit man, it started."

Ronnie downed his drink and threw his bottle somewhere in a bush to the left of him as he stepped forward, rubbing his hands together as he stares at what was happening.

The wet shirt contest was in full swing, with ten girls standing in line in nothing but a pair of thongs and a tight, small white plain T-shirt that had yet to be wet. The first year at this college Luka couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw the girls do this but now it's become something of a must at any party, and Luka got used to it.

Luka, with his lips wrapped around his bottle, Luka watched and drank as the guys from the house came out to watch the contest begin, it was a ritual for the guy from the football team to judge, and this time it was Ronnie's turn, and he was... well, if you looked at his face, you'd know he was beyond ecstatic. 

"Look at that girl, damn she is fine." A guy on the left of Luka says as he bites down on his hand, staring at the girl with long blonde hair.

The blonde girl had noticed Luka look at her and she locked eyes with him and sent him a sultry wink, causing the guy next to Luka to give him a cold glare before walking off with another guy.

"ALRIGHT LADIES, LET'S GET WEEEETTTT!!!" Ronnie suddenly shouts into a microphone, causing all the girls, plus the crowd to whistle and grow excited.

The wet shirt contest was over as soon as it started, Ronnie took it as seriously as any presenter and if he wasn't staring at the girl's breasts so much, he could've made a great career out of being on TV, the girls here though didn't give a damn about it, everyone at this point had seen their naked breasts through their white T-shirts. 

The winner of the contest was the blonde who locked eyes with Luka, and since then he had felt her eyes on him all night, and Luka was starting to see the bright side in it, not because he was drunk but because he was getting there and he needed the distraction, especially now since the alcohol wasn't making him forget as he had hoped.

So Luka went over to her, she was surrounded by her friends and they had noticed him walking towards them, their eyes checked him out shamelessly but he ignored it and kept his eyes on the blonde girl.

"Congratulations on your win." Luka said, showing his white teeth as he smiled down at her.

"Woah thank you so much, I'm Kimberly by the way." 

The blond, Kimberly had practically jumped on Luka as she stepped forward into his personal space to introduce herself, Luka ignored her hand on his chest and smiled.


She giggled loudly and her friends laughed behind her as they watched their friend.

"I know who you are handsome, so does every hot-blooded girl here." She whispers in his ear, standing on her toes.

Luka could smell the alcohol on her breath, but that wasn't why he suddenly felt annoyed. Luka could now see that every person in the backyard who was around the pool area was not sneaking glances at him and the blonde, Kimberly.

"Hey." Luka says only so Kimberly could hear. "Want to get out of here?"

The girl's eyes lit up as she smiled in victory as Luka wrapped his arm around her waist, she had nodded her head without any care that people were looking at them leave the pool area.

All the way into the house, eyes were on them as music blasted around them, Luka ignored them and went inside into the house, the party was going even stronger now as more people showed up, Vee had gone all out and invited all of the students on campus by the looks of it.

"Follow me." Kimberly yells into his ear as she intertwined her fingers through his.

Luka followed her as she lead them through the sea of students until they reached the stairs of the sorority house, and he knew exactly where she was taking him, yet he followed and let her take charge of him, right now he was having fun, it's what he came here for.

The blonde girl pulled Luka into a dark room and shut the door behind them, almost instantly her hands were all over Luka as she pushed him against the door, to him she looked possessed with the way she was touching him, desperately trying to touch every part of him.

"You're so freaking hot Luka..." She groans out as he felt her tongue touch his neck, causing him to shiver.

She was licking him and trying to get his shirt off, and all he could think of was how much he didn't like the way her long-nailed digged into him as she tried to sloppily take his shirt off.

"Fuck me baby, give it to me, I want you sooo bad." 

Luka was pulled by the girl until his back his something soft, a bed.

"Do you have a condom?" Luka asked, his voice was strained as he felt her hands unbutton his jeans and her hand instantly finds what she so desperately wanted.

"Mhmm hmm." 

He couldn't get another word in as Kimberly pulls down his trousers and plants her wet mouth around his manhood, and for a girl so small he had to mentally praise her skill to take half of him all the way down her throat, she was skilled and he was close to forgetting his name.

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