Drama 101

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Lucas couldn't remember the last time his twin sister didn't talk all the way home in the car, especially when he was driving and it was just the two of them alone.

Nat had smiled and hugged Luka the moment she saw him wait for her in the airport but said she was tired as soon as they got in the car, this wouldn't be unusual unless Luka knew his sister passed out cold on all flights.

Whatever was on her mind, he knew she would tell him when she was ready, until then he has to drive her back to the house then get ready for practice, there simply wasn't enough time to stick around and make sure she was fine, he knew she'd say she was.

Luka would definitely hear about whatever bothers her after practice, he knew his sister could never hold anything in for long, they were similar in that way.

The drive took a little longer than expected but he still had time to get to practice, he had parked in the driveway and Nat got her bags and went straight inside the house then up to her room, shutting the door behind her.

She's pissed, but what for? The boyfriend? Or in this case, ex-boyfriend? He wondered, knowing that she mentioned them splitting, but Nat always bounced back the next day, so he has to wonder, what exactly is going on with his twin.

"Nat, I'm leaving for practice, text if you need me?"

He stood behind her door and waited, but when she didn't say anything he assumed she was sleeping so he sighed, walked away, grabbed his back, got in his car, and drove to the field.

Luka's mom had texted him before he picked Nat up, asking for both of them to be at the house tonight, something about sharing some 'good news' and Luka knew that whatever 'good news' she had was probably not good news at all.

His mom Victoria Ellis was a walking wreck, their parent's divorce had been toxic, their marriage was never picture perfect either, his dad Luke had multiple mistresses and his mom had a mental breakdown after she caught him the first time.

That was the tip of his mother's problems, but Luka and Nat never blamed her, their mother wasn't always how she was now, there was a time Luka remembered when they were all together, and happy, but it feels like a dream now.

The fact she's coming home from wherever she is now, means trouble comes with her, he loved his mom, but she always made Luka feel like he was a mistake and the reason Luke, his father left her.

Then again, Luka always blocked out his mom's drunken rambling when she hit rock bottom, the last time was a year ago, when his mom found out his dad was engaged, resulting in his mom smashing anything in view.

Luka never liked Nat around their mom, in fact, he didn't like her around any of his parents, Nat had finally gotten away from the drama and for Nat to come back into it, he didn't want to see his sister fall into whatever bullshit his mother was bringing them in to.

She wasn't good for them, and Luka had just finally started to enjoy having her gone.

He couldn't think about her anymore, he had one of the biggest games of his life coming up and the last thing he wanted was to worry about his mom again, all he had to do was make sure Nat was ok, and play the game.

Luka made it to the field in record time, Jake was waiting by his car for him with Mikki, it wasn't unusual, but something told Luka that drama was getting ready to start, and it was barely seven AM in the morning.

Opening his car door, he couldn't even get a word in, Jake was fired up.

"Luka, where the fuck have you been?"

"Is it true, holy shit please say it's not true!"

"Are you ok?" Jake asked, coming over to Luka.

Now, this was strange, and unusual, for once Luka had no idea what the hell they were both talking about.

"The fuck you both on about?" He asked them both questionably.

Jake and Mikki looked at each other, then looked at Luka.

"You don't know dude?" Mikki said while Jake typed something in his phone.

"Man, you're gonna wanna see this." Jake said, coming next to Luka with his phone out.

Jake's phone had someone's profile up on Instagram of Luka and Kim from the party, it looked like it was taken right before he hooked up with her, from the angle it looks like it was taken from the ground pointing up.

There was no caption, just the picture, why should he care about this? All it looked like was Luka and Kim were talking, that's it.

"So what the big deal?" Luka said, rolling his eyes and shoving past the two guys.

They both followed after him, with their bags slung over their shoulder.

"Dude, please say you used a rubber." Jake said, fear in his voice.

That caused Luka to a holt in his step. "What?" He spat out. "Of course I did, what are you saying?"

Mikki sighed out. "So it's not true, that you and she did drugs I mean."

Luka could have choked on air, but all he could manage was to blink, drugs? Luka? No way in hell that was true, he never touched a single drug in his life that wasn't bought over the counter.

Luka wasn't even drunk that night so he knew there was absolutely no way he'd be stupid enough to take anything.

"I don't do that shit, she's a fucking liar."

Grimacing, Jake came up next to Luka. "Kim told Vee, Vee told me, dude this doesn't look good, she's going to ruin your chance when the scouts come next week with all this drug talk, you need to talk to her man."

Mikki nods his head. "She told me you gave them to her, but now I don't know what to believe...."

Luka clenched his fists, restraining himself from punching Mikki in the face, but instead, he got his phone out and searched for Kim's number.

He was seething, why would Kim do this to him? Because he wouldn't date her? Or was it more messed up than that? He didn't know Kim that well other than she had liked Luka since he got made captain of the football team.

Luka rang her number and waited, but she wasn't picking up, so he decided to text her, unable to keep his anger in from the pure thought of the life he worked hard for slipping away, all because she thought Luka belonged to her.

'You are out of your fucking mind??? You have until 12 to clear the rumors before I get the police involved.'

Luka couldn't even focus anymore, drugs? Shit, that bitch, he just thought about getting them involved right away, before this got any more out of his control, Kim had gone too far now, and it wasn't only Luka this would hurt, but his and his family's reputation.

"I'm sorry Luka, shit if I had known she was lying..." Mikki mumbled out.

Snorting, Luka turned to face Mikki. "Drop the act Mikki, you're as worse as her, now get the fuck away from me."

Luka walked away from them both and headed for the changing rooms, but all he wanted to do was to drive to the police and straighten this all up, the kind of rumor she created could destroy his life and she said it just to spite him.

God only knows what Apple would think of him if she ever heard, he thought to himself, then asked himself why would he care what she thought of him?

Maybe because you actually think she's not that bad to be around or to look at, Luka thought to himself.

He needed to stop, everything had to be put on hold, just until after practice, then he would do everything in his power to let people know the truth before it was too late and people believe Kim over him.

Kim was hardly trustworthy, but she had something Luka didn't want, a voice on social media, he knew she was a big gossiper online and posted regularly, something Luka never participated in, if anything he hated the attention that was caused by others wanting attention.

If it's Luka's attention Kim wanted, then she definitely has it now. 

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