Coming undone

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The football coach blows his whistle and stops the game. 

"Good job guys! Let's stop here!" He yells out from the stands. "Any more and that trophy won't be ours! Hit the showers then we'll go over the game one more time before tomorrow."

Luka was riding a whole new high, and his newfound mood had helped his form during practice too, and it was all because of Apple Brady that Luka was playing his absolute best.

"Luka, a word," Coach says as Luka passes him.

Nodding his head, he waves Jake off as Jake nods and carries himself off the field towards the locker room with the rest of the guys, as Luka watches on, waiting for Coach to speak, but he doesn't until everyone is off the field.

"Is something wrong coach?" Luka asks.

Coach Barns sighs out with a frown then smiles. "Nothing is wrong Ellis, I just wanted to thank you before the game tomorrow."

Confused, Luka stood and listened.

"This team was worth shit before you came Ellis, and that was when I got to actually push these brats into taking it seriously." He grumbles out at the memory. "I made the right choice making you captain, and for that I just want to say, good luck kid, the Dolphins are lucky to have you."

Luka was taken back, he wasn't expecting this at all, not from the Coach himself, and although Luka did start here late, and was made Captain a few months after he moved, that was enough thanks, but Luka did not think he caused such a huge impact on the team.

Not the way the coach says it anyways.

"That means a lot coach." Luka says smiling as Coach Barns pats him on the back.

Nodding his head, Coach Barns grins. "Hit the showers, you've earned it."

With that, Luka laughed at this comment and went off the field as the Coach stayed behind, with one last look Luka saw the Coach stare out at the field with the ball in his hand, and a clipboard in the other, and Luka knew exactly what he was feeling, and thinking.

Tomorrow, tomorrow we will play one last time as a team, and Luka couldn't help but grow excited about the next chapter of his life to start, even if that meant all of this would be over, but it wasn't fully over, Luka would never forget what Coach did for him.

Making Luka captain was the best thing to happen to him, for that he gained lifelong friends and respect amongst players not just from his team, but across the country too, and now he was going to sign with the Dolphins.

His dream became a reality here, there was no way he would forget the faces that made his dream possible.

Making it to the locker room, Jake had just gotten out of the shower when Luka saw him, nodding in his direction, Luka took off his football kit and started to undress for the showers, where half the team was.

"All good?" Jake asked, following Luka as he put a towel around his waist as he walked into the shower room.

"Yeah, just wanted to talk about the game."

Nodding his head, Jake left the shower room and closed the door behind him, leaving Luka to shower alone as the rest of the guys make their way out of the shower room.

Turning on the water, Luka stood under the cold spray of the shower as his sore muscles burn under the touch, Luka loved every second of it as he can finally feel himself start to relax and come down from the adrenaline of practice.

In moments like this, his thoughts would drift, and the events of last night came rushing in, playing every single part of it over in his head as he scrubbed his body with soap, trying to keep the smile off of his face.

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