*Flashback. 5 years ago..*
"Shut up bitch." David; one of my brother's friends slapped me. I stopped my loud cries and just did silent whimpers.
I don't know what's going on. The last thing I remember is smoking for the first time and seeing my brother getting killed. God! They killed my brother, they killed Ronald. They was supposed to be friends, why would they do this?The van stopped. The door on the side open and the light blinded my eyes. I couldn't hardly see because the drug they gave me is still in my system, some objects are still blurry from far away. "Where's the rest?" A guy said.
"There's no rest. We only could get her." Henry said.
The guy sighed. "Boss won't like this."
"Can you take this little brat so we can get our money?" Gregory urged.The guy rolled his eyes and grabbed my foot to drag me out the van. It's no point for me to fight, the guy is bigger than me and if I do get away I won't know where to go because I don't know where I am.
The guy puts me over his shoulder. "What about our money?" David said.
"Oh yeah. Boys, give them their money." I looked around and saw men pointing their guns at the van. The boys panicked and tried to pull out there guns, but it was to late. The men already shot up the van.A tear slide down my cheek out of fear. I was so scared; I didn't know what they was going to do to me here. "Fresh delivery!" The man yelled. All these women lined up against the wall; mostly all of them was black and the rest was Hispanic and one white blonde that looks out of place.
The man set me to my feet and took the tape off my mouth and rope off my wrists. I looked around some more, it was a big place, bigger than I ever could imagine. Everything seem so modern and clean. "Where's the rest?" A man that has a leader vibe on him walked towards us. "Boss, the niggas only sent her." The guy nudged me.
"Okay Tony. You can go now." Boss dismissed him. Boss or whatever his name is knelt down to my level "How old are you?"
"T-twelve." I wanted to pee my pants. This man in front of me was really intimidating.
He sighed and shook his head in disapproval. "Do you have any family?"
I shook my head "M-my brother died." memories of my brother getting shot flowed in my head. I started to cry."Stop crying." he ordered and I obeyed. He smirked "You're easy to train. Cougar!" The guy stood up straight. A woman in her late 30's walked towards us.
"Yes Big Daddy."
Big daddy?...
"Show her around, take her under your wing." he said before walking away. Once he was not in our presence, the woman that was lined up speed walked towards me. "Aww she's so cute." the white woman said.
"She's okay. She's a little young to be here, what's your name sweetie?" Cougar said.
"I-Isis." I said shyly which made all of them cooed."Well, Isis we would have to give you a new name." The white lady said.
"W-what do you mean?"
"Well, my name is Goldie b-"
She was cut off "Because she's the only white bitch in here." A Hispanic lady with a big butt said.
"That's booty, because of her big ass. and of course you know my name is Cougar because I'm the mature one here."
"S-so I get a nickname.""She's smart." Booty said. Cougar nod "Yes. So let's see what we should call you."
"How about Sweetness?" A woman with all red weave said.
Cougar shook her head "Nah, Red. How about Baby face?"
"Oh I know. Babydoll." Goldie said.
Everybody agreed.
"Okay Isis, your new name is Babydoll....."*end of Flashback*
I walk down the stairs to get to the first floor. I walk pass the guards and into the kitchen where I saw no other than my vixen; Kayla. She was struggling to open a top so I walk to her, took the jar and went to the sink to put the jar under hot water before easily opening the top. "The trick is hot water." I gave the jar back to her.
"Thank you." she said shyly.
I step closer to her "What are you making?"
"Oh, um just some sauce for my chips." she smiled, showing her white pearls.
"Well I should go." I sighed. "I'll see you around, Kayla."

Babydoll (Lesbian Stories)
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