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*Flashback 4 years ago*

"Yes babydoll?"
"Can you do my hair and makeup like the others?"
She puts the sheets down and looked down at me with a smile "Of course. Follow me to the bathroom."
I followed her to the bathroom and sat on the stool in front of the mirror.

"Why so interested in girly things?" She plugged the flat iron up. I shrugged "I don't know. I guess when I walk around here, I feel like a outcast like I don't fit in."
She sighed "You're right. You don't fit in. Only because you don't belong in such a place like this, a girl like you should be in school and crushing on boys, not in here cleaning like a slave."

"I have no choice."
She shook her head "People always have choices. Remember that." she lifted my chin up. I smiled at her and she smiled at me.
The whole time she was doing my hair and makeup, I felt like we have a bond between us. Maybe because I never had a grown woman pamper me like this.

"Ladies downstairs now!" One of the guards yelled. Butterfly did a finishing touch on the makeup before we speed walk downstairs to the 1st floor. We stood on the wall as Big daddy walked down the hall towards us. "Good afternoon ladies." he said.

"Good afternoon Big daddy." we all said.

"What's the second rule in this house?" He asked.

"Don't steal from Big daddy!" We said in a unison. He nod "Death of course is the penalty." he pulled out his 9mm. "The bitch that stole from me, thought she was going to get away." he cock the gun. "Butterfly, come here." He ordered.
I grab on Butterfly's hand, to make her stay by my side but she slowly walked to Big daddy. Big daddy pointed the gun at her head before shooting.

Butterfly fell to the ground. Tears slide down my cheeks as I saw her dead body make a puddle of blood. Cougar pulled me into her arms as I cried my eyes out.
"Babydoll, clean this shit up." he ordered before walking away. Two guards carried Butterfly's body out in the back where they feed the dogs. Cougar rubbed my back to sooth me.

The first person I ever trusted in this hell hole was gone...

*Flashback over*

Memories of Butterfly came to my head. She was like a mother I never had and the first person that I cried over in this house. Ever since she died, people that was close to me (instead of Cougar and Blondie) started to do stupid shit and died. That's mainly why I stop catching feelings for people because once you have the slightest love for them, they end up dead. So I just basically cut off my emotions.
But when I stop talking to Kayla, something triggered. I don't know what it is about this girl, but I think I just caught feelings.

After finishing cleaning Booty blood off the floor, I took a shower and went back downstairs to the kitchen. When I walked in there I saw Kayla making a sandwich. I didn't know if I should still walk in or just wait till she leaves.
I took a deep breath before walking to the fridge. "Hello." she greeted.

"Hello." I greeted back without looking up at her. I grabbed a mango naked and walked out the kitchen without looking back at her.

"Babydoll, Big daddy wants you in his office." Sliver; a Native American girl with sliver strikes in her hair said. "I guess you're his new personal fuck buddy." I brush passed her and walked to his office. I knocked in his door "Come in." he said.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I stood in front of his desk because I already know this is not going to take long. "You're not going to seat down?"

I shook my head "I'm fine, I actually have to get ready for tonight."
"About that, I need you to take Shy with you."
My eyes widened "But big daddy, I don't th-"
"Did I ask you for your opinion?"
I shook my head "No, Big daddy."

"Dress her up, get her ready. You know give her a prep talk about the first time shit. Just make her gets some clients." he said.
I nod "Okay."
"You're dismissed." he waved me off.

I walked out his office and walked all the way on the 4th floor to walk in the room to see Shy in the mirror playing with her hair. I took a deep breath before approaching her "Shy."
She looked at me "Yes?"

"Get ready to leave."
"What do you mean?"
I sighed "You're coming with us tonight."
Her eyes widened "What? No! I can't."
"You can and you will. Unless you want to be the next victim blood I have to scrub off the floor. Go in the closet and get something that'll make you look sexy." I ordered.

Shy wiped her tears before going into the closest and coming back out with a cocktail dress Cougar brought her in this kind of situation. "Take a shower, get dress and I'll do your makeup and hair."
She nod before setting her dress on the bed and going into the bathroom.

After getting ready myself, I put on my cocktail dress and did my makeup&hair. I walked in the bathroom to see Shy in the stool crying. I walked up to her and lifted her chin and wiped her tears away.
"I'm scared." she said.
"It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you. As long as you follow by the rules and don't get on anybody's bad side."
She nod "Okay." she sniffed.

I plugged the flat iron on the wall. "Was your first time painful?"
I sighed "The guy I had was luckily gentle. He knew that I was young and a virgin."
"How old was you?"
"An average age I guess."
"It's going to be okay. Tell you what, I'll be there."
"A threesome?"
"You can say that. We'll get more money and I'll protect you if anything goes wrong."
She nod "It's better than being alone and hurt."

The whole time doing her hair and makeup we talked. Just like me and Butterfly. "One last touch." input a little bit of eyeshadow on her. "All done." I moved out of her way so she can look in the mirror. Her eyes widened "Wow. I look-"
"Beautiful." I said. "Lets go before they leave us."
We walked out the bathroom and put in our heels before walking downstairs to the vans.

Shy and I followed this man to the elevator. He wasn't that bad looking; around 30, nice skin, teeth is white, nice looking body too and looks rough but could be gentle. This is what Shy needs.
He pressed the button to the 6th floor. He looked back and smiled at both of us before turning back around. Shy grabbed on my hand. When the doors opened Shy squeezed my hand in fear. Both of us followed behind the man to the last door.

He opened the door and allowed us to walk in first. "So ladies, who's the dominant of the relationship?" He took off his suit jacket before setting it on the chair. "I am." I said.
He nod "How old are y'all?"
"14" she said shyly.

He caresses both of our facing before pushing us down on the bed. "A virgin?"
Shy nod "Yes."
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
The guy put his clothes back on and so did we. "Nice work ladies." He put about 8 thousand on the table before walking out. I looked at Shy and she was just staring off into space. "Shy!" I called her name.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes "I can't believe I lost my virginity to that man."
I sat by her and pulled her into a hug "I'm so sorry."

For the rest of the night we got some more clients and made around 6-8 thousand and afterwards we went back home. When I walked through the mansion door, Kayla and I made eye contact before she broke it and walked to her brother's office.

Later that night I allowed Shy to sleep in the same bed as me like Cougar did when I first did the hotel scene. This was a way of comfort and a way to tell Shy that I'm here for her no matter what.

I just hope nothing happens to Shy, since I have a soft spot for her...

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