Today is the worse day of my miserable life. Today is the 6th year of my arrival and ironically my birthday. Happy birthday to me! I guess.
Usually Ronald would use the money he has and buy me a small cake for us to eat before the other foster kids woke up. Every time the thought of Ronald came to my head makes me smile but cry.He shouldn't had died, I shouldn't had never followed him to the warehouse. Damn my curiosity! If I haven't followed him Ronald and I would be eating cake and laughing about nonsense. We would be in our two bedroom apartment watching TV or going to work.
I just wish all of this is a nightmare and I'll wake up in my 12 year old body again....
I walked downstairs to the kitchen to see mostly every woman in the house in the kitchen surrounding a cake that has 18 on it. "Happy Birthday!." They said in a unison.
I slightly smiled "Thank you." I walked up to the cake and blew out the candles. They all cheered, Cougar started to cut the cake and serve them out while Goldie did the ice cream. Since I was served first, I took my small paper plate and walked out to the patio where the sun was shining and the spring air smelt of daisies and sun flowers.Ronald would always take me outside and we would ride our bikes around the neighborhood. I was always a tomboy, hanging out with the boys, get in fights and always come home with my hair and clothes dirty. My foster mother would be so mad because she would have to wash my hair mostly everyday. It was funny because during the whole time she'll curse under her breath while I would laugh.
I was knocked out of my memories by the sound of Kayla voice "Happy birthday." She said.
I looked at her "Thank you."
"Are you okay?"
I shrugged "Usually I'll spend my birthday with my brother."
"What happened to him?" She leaned on the rail beside me.
I took a deep breath "He tried to save me, but he got shot."
"I'm sorry."
I shrugged "It was my fault.""Why was it your fault?"
I glanced at her before looking back out to the open space "Its complicated."
I felt her eyes on me, its like she's trying to read my blank expression. "Okay." she responded. "How does it feel to be 18?"I looked at her "No different. We shouldn't be talking remember."
"I know but it not like we're talking like we're old friends. My brother left for a business trip.""So. That doesn't mean there not eyes and ears everywhere." we looked in the house and saw Tony staring at us. We looked at each other "See, eyes and ears everywhere." I stated.
Kayla sighed "I should go." She turns to leave.
"Wait!." She turns to me. "When's your birthday?"
"In 2 weeks. Why?"
I shrugged "Just asking." She smirked before walking in the house.I sat outside a little longer, going back to the memories of my brother and thinking about my escape. Which by the way is decreasing by the minute. I had a plan to use Kayla as a ticket for a escape, but since Big Daddy told me to leave Kayla alone I had to scratch that plan out. My second plan was to sneak out at night through the attic secret way I found, but I have to bring Shy, Cougar and Goldie so they won't get killed. My last plan is surely going to get me killed; I was about to leave out on the job, but I would easily get caught and killed.
Now I'm having doubts about escaping, there's no use. Big Daddy will find me and kill me.Rather just give up....
I walked back inside, put my paper plate in the trash and went to the steps but got stopped by Tony. "Yes Tony?" I asked.
"I need help in the storage."
I raise an eyebrow "Storage? What do you need?"
"Just follow me, I need help with some boxes and the others aren't around."
I looked around and saw that there was only 2 or 3 guards on this floor and the girls including Kayla was upstairs. "Okay."I followed him to the storage room. He allowed me to walk in the dusty, old, cold dark storage. He turned on the light while I walked in further the room. "Which box?" I asked while looking around. "Its all the way in the back."
"Um, maybe you should go first. If I see a rat, I'll go crazy." I chuckled. He smiled "Don't worry, there's no rats."
I shrugged and walked further back where some more boxes appeared. Tony appeared behind me and started to rub on my body and kiss my neck. I pushed him away "What are you doing?" I said while eyeing him carefully.He sucked his teeth "I was waiting for 6 years to have this opportunity." he unbuckled his belt. My eyes widened "I'm not fucking you." I tried to walk pass him but he pushed me into the shelves. "I don't give a fuck. Its either you give it up or I'll have to take it, your choice."
I shook my head "No!" I yelled.
He smacked me, I held my bruised cheek and tried to hold back the tears "Bitch! Who the fuck are you talking to? Your hoe ass better get with it, you better be fucking grateful that's me, instead of these disease infested niggas."
He grabbed my arm and made me turn so that my breast and face was on the side of the cold medal. Tony made my legs spread apart, my sweatpants and panties was tugged down at the same time.Silent cries escaped my mouth as he took me. Being a whore and fucking different men is one thing, but being forced by a guy that you knew for 5 years and he was the nicest of them all making you have sex with him is another. Yes both statements our wrong but I never been raped before, even when I started to escort.
The torture didn't even last 3 minutes. (Thank god.) before he pulled out. I dropped down to the floor and started to cry my eyes out while this bastard pulled up his pants, wiped his mouth and looked at me up and down before saying "Happy birthday." He walked out, leaving me to my tears and sorrows.
It felt like I was in her for hours, but in reality I was in this damn cold ass storage room for 30 minutes before Shy walked in here. When she saw me crying and half naked, luckily my shirt was covering my private part. She gasped and immediately went to my side. "W-who did this?" She asked while pulling my head to her chest for comfort. "Tony. Shy, don't trust any guards in here. They'll use you even when they look nice enough to trust." I cried out.
"Tony is a bastard for doing this." She said. "Some day, he'll get his and on that day you'll be on the sidelines eating popcorn and having a wonderful time watching and feeding off his mercy."
I looked at her and wiped my tears "You're right. And one day we'll leave this hell whole for good."
She smiled "Me and you."
I smiled back "Me and you."
We gave each other a hug.Shy's right. Tony, Big daddy and every other guard will get theres some day and I'll be laughing and celebrating by dancing on there bodies and burning this place to fucking ashes. No one and I mean no one will stop me to see that day....
Tony in m/m

Babydoll (Lesbian Stories)
Сучасна прозаDescription inside. (Short Story) ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED