Welcoming Celebration - Walking Through Realms

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"So, what do you all want to do now?" Bloom asks us, "We could go to the lake again" Aisha suggests, "Or we could have a race!" Brandon exclaims. "We could go to the park" Flora suggests.

"What about shopping!"

We all turned to look who said that. Though we all knew who said it.


"Why don't we ask Harmony what she wants the do, this is her first Welcoming Celebration after all" Musa says, "Agreed" Kayla replies, "Sure." "Harm what do you want to do?" Helia asks her, she thinks about it for a few seconds before whispering something into Helia's ear. "She's not going to let you do that," He tells her. "Eh, She could" Harmony replies.

"Who's "She" What do you want to do?" Stella asks, Harmony then whispers it into my ear while Helia whispers it into Musa's ear. "Can we explore the Word of Darkness?" She asks. I look at her, before looking at Musa, then Helia. "I mean I guess, what would you even do?" I ask her, "Just explore, talk to other creatures" She replies.

"It's not a playground Harmony, image if any got let out, that could mean big trouble" Musa speaks up, "One got out this morning, the world's not destroyed yet" She replies, "What?" Everyone was extremely confused. Especially the Specialists and Winx. "Trixy slipped through the portal last night when one of the night roamers got locked out," I explained.

"What does Harmony want to do exactly?" Sky asks, "Explore the Dark Realm" Musa, Helia, Harmony, and I answered at once. "It could be fun," Kayla says, "Could be dangerous," Trinity adds, "How dangerous could it possibly be? There are 24 of us" Daniel asks, "And millions of them" Dessa reminds him.

"We'll be fine, they listen to right Melody?" Sky asks me, "Kind of- I guess" I reply, "Kind of?" asks Brandon asks, "Controlling Evil isn't the same thing as adding 1 + 1 you know," I tell him. "Mel are you fine with it?" Musa asks, "I mean if you really want to, sure" I reply.

"Great then it's decided, let's go," Bloom says, I close my eyes and my mind takes me to an area in the realm that doesn't have a creature in sight. I open my eyes and open a portal quickly ushering them in.

"I expected it to have a lot more people" Stella states, "We're basically in the underworld equivalent of a desert right now. I had to create a portal to somewhere that didn't have any creature's in sight so they could escape" I explain. "Come on" I create another portal leading into the castle and we all appear in the throne room.

As Bloom and Flora are entering the portal, two servants run through. I roll my eyes and close the portal. "That is why I create the portal far away from civilization," I say. "Now they're stuck miles away from anywhere," I explain.

"Ugh, Melody what are you wearing? Who are these commoners?" A voice from behind us says. Ugh. Randal. I realized I was still wearing my clothes from this morning, I snap my fingers and change into something a bit more formal before getting two more scoffs from two other different voices. I snap my fingers and once again change into something more royal.

Melody's First Outfit Changed Into

Melody's First Outfit Changed Into

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