Thank You & Good Night

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We exit the stage and join our friends as the crowd starts to leave. Fairies heading back to the dorms, Specialists going back to their owls, and some students just wandering off.

Musa and Riven who had been sitting on the roof for the entire closing performance flew down on Riven's wind rider to join us. Riven dropped Musa off before flying to the Owl where his friends were waiting for him. Upon Musa getting up, she ran up to us and gave me and Harmony a hug. "Great job girls," She told the group. "Thanks, sis," We replied.

"So Melody how did you disappear from the crowd. You were just with us during  the start of Tyler and Harmony's song" Bloom asks me, "When you all started clapping, I created a portal right beneath me that teleported me and I dropped directly into the centre of my room" I explain. "Yes!" Stella exclaims as the others have their mouths agape.

'I guess Stella was right" Aisha states, "Of course I was!" Stella replies happily.

"Ready to head back to the dorms?" Bloom asks us, "Yes, but this year, we're sleeping over in our dorms," Kayla says, "Agreed" Trinity replies.

We make our way up to the dorms. 

"Alright, we can have three people per dorm since there are twelve of us. Musa, Harmony, and I will sleep in my room, Kayla, Flora, and Miele can stay in Miele and Kayla's room. Tecna, Trinity, and Dessa will stay in Dessa and Trinity's room, and finally, Bloom, Stella, and Aisha can stay in Harmony's room. Is everyone good with that?" I ask everyone.

I get a variety of sure, yes, and okay's. After setting the living room up and making snacks, Bloom chooses a movie for us to watch. After getting everyone's opinions on the movie, Bloom turned to Aisha who was just lying on a pillow scrolling through her phone. 

"Aisha!" Bloom called to her, "Huh? Yeah?" Aisha asks after Bloom finally got her attention. "Are you good with watching The Fairy Games?" Bloom asks her.

(The Fairy Games is basically The Hunger Games just in the Winx Universe)

"What? Yeah, The Fairy Games is great" Aisha says going back to her phone. "Are you okay?" Tecna asks her handing Aisha a bowl of popcorn. "Wonderful, just a bit distracted that's all. I'm waiting for a call from Tressa" She explains.

"Right, she's going to send us to live video from the throne room of the coronation" Bloom recalls. "Yep. Today's the day, my Uncle Neptune will choose one of my cousins to become king" Aisha pulls up a picture of her aunt, uncle, and cousins

 Today's the day, my Uncle Neptune will choose one of my cousins to become king" Aisha pulls up a picture of her aunt, uncle, and cousins

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"Man are they gorgeous" Stella states, "Way cute, or at least that one," Musa says pointing at the boy with light hair. "Nereus? Totally, and a total sweetheart, but Tritannus, well he's kind of a psycho."

Just then Aisha gets a call, "Cousin Tressa!" She exclaims picking up, "Cousin Aisha!" Aisha puts the phone in speaker mode and sets it down on the table. "The ceremony is about to start," She tells us. We sit down around us and Trinity pauses the movie that had just started a few seconds ago.

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