A Challenge

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"Welcome Students, due to a few urgencies I had to deal with yesterday, school was postponed, but I would like to welcome everyone to a new year at Alfea! Please do make yourself at home and don't feel afraid to look to your teachers or classmates if you have any questions" Faragonda finished her speech and then let us roam free.

"Wow, I've been here for around a week yet this still feels so surreal," Harmony tells me, "Trust me, you'll love it here," I tell her, "Hopefully, you'll spend your time with us then, unlike the past few months" She reminds me, "I promise, I think I just needed to seem, my friends, that's all," I tell her, "If you say so," She says her eyes wandering somewhere else.

We burst out laughing as we sit down on the field with the others. "Your official first day Harmony! You're actually going to start taking classes" Flora says, "Yeah it's exciting!" She replies, "But as exciting as it is, just remember that school is full of surprises, like tests, battles against villains and-" Tecna gets cut off by Stella.

"And the boys who just seem to randomly show up at our school during random times of the day" She states, "What? I mean I guess that does happen sometimes but why-" "Tecna, she means the boys are here" Musa tells Tecna. "Oh, yeah. They are. Good eye Stella" Tecna replies finally understanding.

The ship lands as Brandon, Riven, Nabu, Timmy, Helia, Tyler Nathan, Jonathan, Noah, Daniel, and Asher get off. "Hey girls," Brandon says, we walk over to them except for Bloom and Dessa. Daniel just walks off somewhere talking to the girl I saw him talking to during the celebration.

Harmony and Jonathan go inside to video call Lia while the others just stay here chit-chatting. "Hi Tyler," I say to him as he wraps his arm around me, "Hi, I haven't asked you how you liked my surprise from two days ago. You've been so busy with even more hero stuff. it's like when you want to take a break, you take a break by dealing with some other villain" he tells me

"Well, I always have time to hang out with my boyfriend, and for the record, I loved it, thank you," I tell him, He chuckles, "Come on, let's go join the others". Musa, Riven, Brandon, and Stella had joined Bloom and Dessa who were standing together since Sky wasn't here and Dessa and Daniel were in a weird place right now.

"Riven says that Sky's on his way," Musa says as Tyler and I walk up to them, "Yeah, he's coming, he was right behind us" Riven adds. "In fact, there he is now," Brandon says pointing up at the Sky who was racing toward them.

Even though Sky arrived quickly, he left just as fast only saying a few things to Bloom before leaving.


I watched as Sky left, I feel so bad for Bloom, just then, Helia put an arm around my shoulder, as I turned around and he held an origami crane in his hands. "A special origami for you Flora," He says. He blew on the paper making it fly into my hands "Thank you" I tell him.

"Helia!" Then I hear a girl call Helia. We turn and I see Princess Krystal walk toward us. I know she's friends with the Arias and their old roommate Sophia, I remember Roxy telling me about having Krystal as one of her roommates, and Krystal is friends with Galatea, Musa told me before, but I never really talk to her.

I don't even think she knows who I am. She was at the Frutti Music Bar yesterday as well, she's become really close to Roxy and I recall Aisha, Stella, and Bloom talking about her when they went to a princess convention of some sort with Galatea and the other princesses of the magic realm.

"Princess Krystal" Helia takes her hand and kisses it, "I thought that was you, I'm so glad to see you," She says, Helia then motions to me. "May I present my friend Flora. Flora, this is princess Krystal of Lynphea." I step forward and curtsy, "All Lynpheans know their princess, your highness." I tell her.

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