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"Is that-..?" Dessa begins to question. "My name is Lemmy says the small creatures swimming up closer to Aisha. "I'm Aisha." She approaches to the creature and reaches a hand out. We watch as they begin glowing and swim around each other. 

"What's happening?" Stella asks, "That's a selkie. They must be bonding..." Dessa replies lovingly as she watches the two. "Aisha!" The selkie exclaims swimming around her excitedly. "Lemmy." 

"These are my friends. Bloom, Stella, Melody, Kayla, and Dessa." We all give our greetings to the kind creature and she smiles swimming around us. "I'm very happy to meet you. I could sense you as soon as you entered the water. Selkies can always tell when a fairy is near."

Aisha smiles, "So that's how you found me." "Yes. And bonding with you restored my powers" Lemmy responds swimming back to Aisha. "How did you lose them?" "I am One of two Keepers of the Andros gate. A monster named Tritannus was..."

"Tritannus!" Aisha exclaims in shock. "We know who he is." 

"He forced the gate and used his trident to steal our powers." I glance at the young Selkie who almost seems frightened reminiscing on his memories. "Another reason to despise this guy" Stella mutters, "And another reason to stop him" Bloom replies in an equally "Agreed. We're better kick his butt" Kayla adds, high-fiving Bloom.

"Lemmy, You said you were one of two keepers? Who is the other?" I ask, "My friend, Zelva. She is guarding the gate with Andros guards." "Is she okay?" Dessa asks, "I think so, she has other friends with her." 

Aisha holds out her hands and takes Lemmy's fins in her hand. "Lemmy, we're on a mission and if we succeed, we'll run Tritannus right out of this ocean. Will you help us?"

"Oh yes, Aisha." "We will need help though. I will call Zelva." She reaches out and puts a hand on her forehead closing her eyes. 


I'm swimming with Aisha and Lemmy near the front spinning through water talking to Aisha when we're stopped by another selkie who swims up to us. Hazel hair and lavender eyes. Just like Lemmy, her tail was teal and purple, with a teal hat and a pearl on top.

"Hello" comes her quiet voice. I don't know why, but something draws me towards her and I'm overcome with a warm feeling. "Hi" I reach out and connect my hand with her fin as we swim around each other. Eventually, we stop spinning and I laugh. 

"Hi," "Hello, my name is Zelva." I take both her fins in my hands and smile at her, "You have a lovely name Zelva. My name is Dessa." "It's nice to meet you Dessa. Thank you for restoring my powers." 

Just then, Lemmy quickly swims up to Zelva and hugs her while spinning. "I'm so glad you are here. This is Aisha and their friends. Bloom, Kayla, Melody, and Stella. They are trying to stop Tritannus, will you help us?" "Of course! I will do anything to get rid of Tritannus" She cries. I reach out to her again, "And that we will. I promise."

"Then I will help you until the end." "Thank you, Zelva. Thank you, Lemmy."


We approach the cave and try to glance into the narrow entrance. "What is this place?" Flora asks, "Looks like it would be easy to get lost in there. Lots of twists and turns" Musa adds. "It's definitely complicated. I'll say that" I mutter. "Agreed. I'll send this to the girls right now" Comes Tecna's voice. 


"Whoa," Kayla comments shocked. "What a strange place," Bloom says, swimming closer. "It is called the Labyrinth of the Abysses" Lemmy explains, "Aisha! Remember the first part of the riddle?" Comes Tecna's voice from the bracelets. "With every twist and turn, deeper you go. Like in..." "A labyrinth!" Dessa calls out beside Aisha. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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