Chapter 2

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Miss. Pearl soon returned home, the Bennets to their own home, and went straight to buisness. She began writing letters to her business partners and answering ones sent to her previously, even reaching out to new people to potentially do business with. Slowly she’s been growing the family business and expanding to different countries, setting up factories to make her product and selling to businesses that will put it on their shelves and sell for a reasonable price. Miss. Pearl is very attentive to her business, she always knows what's happening everywhere, the slightest problem, and she is told immediately. She always pays her workers handsomely for their work, and even has compensated for those who she knows to need a little more at home.
All of the people that work for her and with her know her to be very kind and gentle, but also very stern and fair to those who deserve it. On more than one occasion she has been informed of a cruel head of a factory that she requested a private audience with, and always the man leaves in fear for his life leaving the factory for another man to take over and do better. Even at some points if more than one man did her wrong in the same factory, she instated the headwoman as the factory operator, and thus no other problems arrived. Many people saw this as very wrong to do and were upsetting, they believed she was too headstrong about her belief that an if a man can’t do it a woman can. Many men in power have tried to take her down in the short time that she has existed in the power of her family's business, even going so far as to ban her product from being sold in stores. But her family's product was so sought after that people would travel out of their way to obtain it, further upsetting these men in power.
But no one could stop her, when shot down she saw it as an opportunity to grow and prove better. And thus she has over the short time she has become head of the company, it has grown almost triple its original size.
Miss. Pearl never let her growth in wealth, or her companies standing to go to her head, and she always smartly saved her money. She would often spoil her dear friends the Bennets, but she would only do so in a way that benefitted them. From time to time though, she would dote on the younger girls and oblige them in buying them a new cloak or bonnet in the latest style. Never the less, she was still thought of as a spoiled child, and her personality much thought of to be cold and unwelcoming. In truth she was just a very shy girl, having only know the Bennets, her house maids and butlers, and her Uncle, she was not well versed in the ways of modern social outings. Something she would soon find that she shared with her dear betrothed she was growing ever so nervously to meet.
She couldn’t sleep well that night after returning home, she almost even felt ill, turning into bed with hardly a touch to the food on her plate or even an evening tea. She tossed and turned, overthinking and imagining what her first encounter with the Mr. Darcy she heard so little of. What was he like? Would he like her? Would he think her annoying an immature? Was he a gentleman? Or a cruel man who thought less of her like other men? She could not take it any longer and rose from her bed, dawning her shawl and quietly making her way out the back kitchen entrance. She didn’t know where she’d walk, or for how long, she just felt like walking.
And so she did, just walk and walk and walk, until she was less than a quarter of a mile from Netherfield and could just barely see it on the horizon. Pearl stopped and stared as the sun began to rise, turning the sky a deep blue, she stared so long she believed she was starting to hallucinate. It looked as if someone was riding through the field on horseback, maybe an express? But soon it occurred to her that the person on the gallant stead had turned and was heading in her direction. Where they coming at her now? She wasn’t sure where the property line was, and she now worried that the new owner of Netherfield was not as kind as its sister who paid a visit early yesterday, though she wasn’t that kind at all to begin with..
Miss. Pearl tried her hardest to hide in the grass, and move out of the way of the rider even though they where still so far away, she did not want to be caught. There was a rustling in the grass much closer than the horses hives, and it was drawing nearer and nearer as Pearl tried to quickly think of what to do, but soon it was too late whatever it was was now at her feet.
“ARF, ARF ARF” cried a floppy eared, aged, bloodhound. His tail wagging at full speed behind him and a large grin dawned his adorable face as his tongue limply flopped out of the side. Miss. Pearl tried hushing him, getting him to quiet and not draw the person on horseback near, but it was already too late for that as well. Almost as soon as the dog had happily announced he had found something new, the person on horse back was but a few feet away dismounting the horse.
“Donic!” Cried the rider, a deep gruff voice, almost as if the rider had just woken up, “Donic what have you found bo–” The rider came to a stop once coming face to face with Miss. Pearl, surprised and a bit confused as to why there was a young woman standing in the shrubbery and tall grass in her night gown at dawn.
“I-I-I, I apologize, sir, I did not mean to tres pass on your land, I was taking a walk and I just kept walking. I’m so sorry to disturb you and your morning!” Pearl began to ramble and tried to take a few steps back, nearly tripping on the dog that was now happily circling her feet.
“Ma’am, you’re quite alright. This is not my land, and I was just taking the dog out, you are not disturbing anything.” He answered quick, not once taking his eyes off her, his voice now sweet and calming, “I must ask though, why at such a late hour you have decided to take a walk? It is quite dangerous you know, wilderness, especially in the country, is savage and dangerous animals roam freely.”
Miss. Pearl was taken aback and almost laughed out loud, “If, by dangerous animals you mean this adoring dog, and your horse, I dare say I am in great danger indeed. The danger of being very embarrassed.” She was now very aware of the circumstances, how she was dressed and the disheveled look she was sure she had, “These lands are free of dangerous animals, as they are usually, sadly, hunted by rich men, or men with no other interests. And as to why I am walking about so early, I cannot sleep for my mind is racing and I have found no way to stop it other than walking.”
The rider was a little amused by her joke and let out a light chuckle, “Indeed, you are right, and I am sad to say that I am one of those men.” He gently took a step towards her, “May I ask how far you’ve walked? The nearest home is 3 miles, and you are shivering. You look frozen, blue even. And your hem and shoes are so muddy as if you’ve been wadding in a nasty river.”
“Sir you have no filter and you speak your mind very clearly, you wound me.” She smiled, she knew his description to be true, and was deeply embarrassed by it.
“I do apologize that was not my intention!” He answered quickly, almost nervously.
“Tis quite alright sir. I have walked those three miles, all night. And you are very right, now as I stand still, I feel the cold and I notice the mud. Its quite unsightly I apologize for the way I appear. Normally I am much more proper.” Pearl couldn’t tell if she was becoming feverish or blushing, but either way, their was a warmth rising to her cheeks and the tips of her ears.
The rider quickly noticed this himself and worriedly asked, “Would you like to come inside? I can send for the doctor and have him check on you immediately!”
“Oh no sir, I would feel terrible to impose. I am assuming you are a quest of the Netherfield owners, and I hate to trouble you and them with something so small as this.” She motioned to herself, beginning to turn on hear heal and hopefully make an escape.
“It would not be imposing at all,” He started but quickly realised he wasn’t going to win this so he reached out, “If you will not come in and let me call for the doctor, please let me at least ride you home.”
Miss. Pearl stopped, nervous, she knew men and women where not to have private outings together, nor where they meant to touch without either wearing something like gloves, and certainly they where not meant to share a horse. Especially not in night clothing, for she finally took in his appearance. He was wearing a loose night shirt tucked into evening pants he definitely slept in for at least a few hours, with a blue coat thrown over top for warmth. If they where to be seen, even now, rumours surely would spread. Ones that would surely hinder both of their social statuses, Miss. Pearl would not caare much for it, but she would feel terrible to hinder someone else’s.
“Please..” His voice almost pleading for her to spend more time with him, “I-I’d feel terrible if I could not help at all, if you where to collapse in the field and no one to help you-” The rider was trying hard to cover up the desperate sound in his voice, but failing miserably.
“Okay..” Miss. Pearl smiled, the sun rising higher and shining across her face, warming it. But to the Man it looked as if she alone was brightening the world with her smile, “Thank you, I am grateful.”
As if he forgot to breath, the rider let out a slow long breath. He told the dog to go on back home and called over his horse, he questioned where she felt most comfortable riding, but both where very shy of the two options laid before them. They finally both agreed that her riding on the back was much less intimate and they set off on their way. The rider rode quickly, but gently to get them to Miss. Pearls home as fast as possible, but with the least jostle that might be uncomfortable for her.
Once they arrived at the front door, with a most distressed head maid out searching the grounds, the rider slipped off the horse first, helping Pearl off next. Handling her gently and cautiously, he feared she so frail that the slightest squeez might break her.
“Madam!! Oh thank the lord you are not hurt or harmed!! When I did not find you in your bed–” The head maid rambled on and on in worry, but the two young ones listened only to each other.
“Thank you very much sir for seeing me home, I apologize again for all the trouble.” Miss Pearl smiled.
“It was no trouble at all, I offered, no need to thank me. I just hope you are not sick, and if you are than I pray for your quick recovery.” The rider returned the smile nervously. They stared at each other for a minute more before the head maid finally started to drag her off back into the home. The rider watched to make sure she got in just fine, and as he turned to mount his horse and head back to the Netherfield estate, Miss. Pearl called out to him.
“I hope to see you again soon! Maybe next time I can learn your name, and I not appear so dishevelled!!” She joke, her maid pulling her back in again, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.
“Until next time!!” The rider called back, riding off just after the doors slammed shut.
Pearl wished deeply to know his name, and become much better aquantances with the gentleman, he sparked something in her she didn’t quite… understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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