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If it wasn't a special day for her Aunt, Jisu wouldn't even consider showing up as arts aren't even her thing.

She's never really a fan of going to art galleries and looking at artworks, she thinks it's very boring. Not that she have been to an art gallery, but she can tell it's far from entertaining.

Yet there she was, stunned by the most beautiful artwork Seulgi have made. Yeji.

It didn't take the other long enough to notice her, Jisu flinching as their gaze met and swiftly looking away but her heart raced even faster when she heard steps going towards her direction and finally receiving taps on her shoulder.

"Jisu? Jisu!" As soon as the brunette turned around, the taller girl pulled her into a hug after recognizing her best friend. "Haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?" The taller of the two asked as they parted from their shared hug.

"I've been doing great, you?" Jisu asked. The other pouted at her short response but she replied anyway, "I've been doing fine too! Trying to focus in art so you know, to continue my mom's career." Jisu nodded, looking around and seeing beautiful paintings made by the mother of the girl in front of her.

But no one knows that her favorite art that Seulgi made is her daughter, Yeji.

"You? What have you been up to lately? It's been 2 years, Jisu." The taller girl reminded her of how long it has been. It could've been longer if she's being honest.

She could've been in Canada right now, doing paperworks like she always do. Yet she found herself packing her things one week ago after receiving an invitation from the Hwangs, about their gallery opening.

She couldn't refuse, Seulgi and her were the closest before she went to Canada. After finding out Seulgi had passed away, she was devastated. But not as devastated as her mother, she noticed.

Soon found out that they were past lovers after some digging and overhearing her mother and her Dad's argument.

"Nothing, really. Just paperworks and stuff, nothing really special. I'm gonna go back to Canada in two weeks, I missed this place too you know." The brunette replied.

"Two weeks won't be enough, Jisu. Why don't you stay here for a little bit longer? I'm sure your dad missed you a lot too." With that, Jisu's eyes wandered around looking for someone. She quickly found him in the crowd, talking to the people around his age.

"And.. I missed you too, Jisu. I really did." Her gaze went back to the girl in front of her almost immediately, taking notes of how beautiful the girl's eyes are. It was shining like the stars in the sky, suddenly she was stargazing.

The older of the two plastered a warm smile and started to walk away. As if planned, she followed the tall girl in the crowd until they found their selves in a quiet room,
wherein an artwork that is far different from the other paintings, was sitting in the middle of the room with a transparent box covering it.

"Shall we have a warm cup of coffee?" Jisu read the title, "A warm coffee and a fuzzy hat. Melted in warm memories of that time in beautiful Jeju." She continued. Her eyes landed on the girl beside her, already staring at her.

"That was my mom's best artwork," She looked around the room, scanning other artworks that her mother made. "Along with these." Her hands touching the paintings cautiously, the brunette girl watched as they wander around the room.

"All of these artworks.." Jisu stopped walking, eyes fixated on one person. "was made while she was with the person she loves the most." Yeji nodded, indicating that she too, knows about Seulgi and Irene's past.

"I bet their story was great. Not talking about the ending tho" The two chuckled in unison. "Yeah.. i bet it is." Yeji replied in between her chuckle, but soon fell into silence.

Somehow being in the same room with the girl Jisu once loved made her heart race again, the same way it has been racing every time she thinks about the other, the same way it raced 2 years ago.

That was the only thing she needed to feel in that moment,

To know that she's still in love with Yeji.

And if it wasn't for the gap between them, the other would surely hear how her heart is racing so hard. At times like this, she's really grateful for the gap between them, but god knows how much she wished to be in the other's arms all day.

"Still haven't made up your mind?" Yeji asked as they walked out of the gallery. "I have work in Canada. I bet my boss is gritting his teeth right now because of my 2 weeks vacation." We chuckled.

"You've missed out a lot in Jeju. It became much prettier over the years, don't you think?" Yeji looked at the shorter girl beside her who was already staring at her for who knows how long. "Yeah.. i did miss out a lot." Jisu didn't know where she got the courage to respond without breaking eye contact, but she responded as if she was implying to the person in front of her. Because if she is, she indeed missed out a lot.

"And because of it, I might consider staying a bit longer." Jisu said with a playful smirk plastered on her face while looking away. It was a joke, she'd come back to Canada after two weeks. It's final.

But it only costs one beg, one please from the other. Maybe with that, she might actually consider staying for as long her heart can. Considering the fact that the other might actually be in a relationship with someone now, she wouldn't want to see them get all to happy with each other.

Because she'd be lying if she said she have moved on.


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