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"Two weeks.. it went by pretty fast didn't it?" Yeji spoke, standing beside Jisu at the bus stop. "Yeah."

She doesn't know how long she'd have to wait again but one thing's for sure, she couldn't take it anymore. It was all too heavy for her, it's painful. The girl she have been longing for years was beside her, about to be gone again for who knows how long.

The love she hid from the other, maybe she'd regret that she did few years from now. Maybe she shouldn't have, or maybe it was gods telling her that they're not for each other. What was stopping them? Was it them hiding their feelings or was it the gods above? They couldn't tell.

The taller of the two sure wanted the other to stay, the urge to just pull away from the bus stop and not let her go to Canada but that would be selfish.

Yet she didn't know how the other wished she could be selfish at that moment. She doesn't know that Jisu wants to feel her hand being dragged away, she would be thankful even.

But nothing happened, bus already arriving. Jisu staring at it as it gets closer and finally stopping in front of them, with Yeji just staring at the ground holding in her tears. "I guess this is goodbye?" Jisu received no response from Yeji. She nodded and slowly started to walk away until she felt a warm body being pressed against her back.

Turning around to cup her face but Yeji moved quickly and hugged her tightly, burying her face on the crook of her neck and letting the tears fall down as she failed to hold them.

She could've pulled her into a kiss, closing the gap between them and feeling the softness of the other's lips as they move in unison. But she pulled her into a hug, something she partially feel dumb for but felt relieved nonetheless.

Jisu wouldn't know how much Yeji waited on their place, waiting to for the view she have been longing to see. To feel her head on her lap once again as her fingers strokes her hair.

To feel the softness of Jisu's hand intertwined with hers, it fitted perfectly as if her hand was made for hers to hold. And to feel the warmth of their body, holding each other on their arms. But she never imagined to feel it for the last time.

But Yeji wouldn't know much either, she wouldn't know how much the other thinks about her almost everyday. She wouldn't know how Jisu would spend her day off wondering if she's okay.

Yeji wouldn't know about those chocolates in between her book that was given by the brunette anonymously. Yeji wouldn't know that those song covers Jisu sang was for her. She wouldn't have a clue if she likes her or not.

Both of them wouldn't know too much about each other, something that was very dumb and a waste. They loved each other in secrecy and would definitely regret that they did after years if ever they find out. But destiny is really playful, how these two individuals thought everything they did for each other was a friendly act without them knowing each and every movement meant something else.

Maybe it was the sadness that she's feeling that made Yeji numb, she didn't even notice that it was already getting dark. Not until few drops of rain started to pour down, followed by multiple raindrops. And it may have been hours since Jisu's bus left, maybe a few buses have already stopped in front of her without her noticing.

Yeji started to walk, but only fell down when she finally felt the tiredness of her legs after standing in the bus stop for so long. She couldn't tell if it was the rain or was there something else rolling down her face. Crying in the rain wasn't in her plans today, nor sitting down on the ground, waiting for a specific person to come and tell her that her flight is canceled.

But yet someone did came, someone she doesn't seem to be familiar of. She noticed the girl's presence after moments of not feeling the rain on her. She quickly stood up and shared the umbrella with the girl, not knowing what to say, she bowed and started to walk away. But her vision suddenly got blurry and felt like the world was spinning.

The next morning may have already gone by without her knowing what happened, but she woke up having a fever and being in a room she's not familiar with. Suddenly a girl revealed herself, entering the room with a tray of food. It was the girl who offered her an umbrella.

"Glad you're awake. I made you your breakfast so you can eat and drink your medicine right after." Unsure of what to do, Yeji eyed the girl curiously. She wanted to stand up but the world only started to spin again, causing her to go back and rest her head on the head rest.

"You can eat on the bed, or do you want me to feed you?" The blonde girl plastered a playful smirk that didn't make her feel better and only got weirded out. "Who are you?" Yeji finally asked. It took moments before the other could even reply.

"Shin Ryujin. And you must be Hwang Yeji?" Yeji was about to be shocked but suddenly remembered that her family is quite famous in the island as her mother is a great artist. She opened her mouth but closed it again after realizing. Eyeing the girl, she was wearing an oversized tshirt without anything under and only wearing shorts. That was too comfortable to wear in front of a complete stranger like Yeji but the blonde girl didn't seem to mind.

"Woah Miss Hwang, we just met. Please don't look at my beautiful body like that, we'll get there soon but you need to recover first." Ryujin dramatically covered her upper body with her arms in which she received an eye roll from Yeji.

She got out of the room and Yeji busied herself with the food. She'd be lying if she said the other's company didn't make her feel better. She was weirdly funny, but she couldn't help but to laugh it off. Other than that, she was thankful for the huge help.


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