The Chase

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 His eyes locked on her, and she knew it was now or never. Her instincts told her to jump, flying off the ledge with all her might, and rushing away from him as fast as she could. What was going on with him? He never acted this way. He was always so sweet and caring. Was he upset or something? Was he anxious about something? Why was he taking his anger out on her? She looked back, seeing him disappeared from the ledge. Her heart dropped. Suddenly she felt a bump into a sturdy surface, finding out it was him. She squealed, turning around and flying the other way.

He was scaring her. Her dear Chrollo was being so frightening. He never acted that way towards her, treating her with all the gentleness in the world. She started tearing up, upset at his newfound reactions. What was the reasoning behind his terrifying behavior? Tears dropped from her eyes as she kept moving. Reaching near the window, she knew she could break it and fly through, give him a bit of time to calm down, but just as she was about to reach it, he appeared there. She came to an abrupt halt, heart pounding from going so fast. She was sweating and breathing hard.

She scrunched her brows. Why was he acting like she was a prisoner or something? That upset her deeply. "W-Why!" she cried out, "Why are you doing this Chrollo!" she continued, unable to understand his actions. He didn't answer, staring at her coldly. Her fragile little heart was breaking. She shook her head and flew away again, glancing back to see where he was. He kept chasing her until he suddenly stopped in the center, standing still for a moment before he collapsed. What? He, he collapsed? What was wrong with her love?? She dove down to reach him before she stopped to think for a second. She was about 6 meters away from him, contemplating what to do. If he really collapsed then she could heal him. She could use her powers to revive him, but if he was not...buut. She looked at his beautiful face, his mesmerizing features. She couldn't help but feel her heart drop at thinking he was unwell. She thought of all the times she felt bad and he would be there to help, so what was stopping her. Maybe he was having an episode, that's why he chased her. She slowly began going forward, checking his face for any signs.

"C-chrollo honey, are you, are you ok?.." she asked hesitantly, leaning to the side, but he wasn't answering. Oh no, he might have really been sick! She cautiously flew another pace forward. She knew she had to be wary with him in his, she guessed, mental state? Maybe he was under too much stress or something and couldn't think clearly? Her mind wandered, but her heart still trembled from before. 

Finally she gathered her courage and took a step to the ground, stopping a mere 3 meters away from him. She was ready to bolt if something happened, but he still seemed unconscious. Maybe she should have gone for help or something right? Even if she didn't know them, maybe they could help. But then again, no one knew Chrollo better than her. She kept contemplating whether or not to move forward. If she left him when he needed help, what kind of person would she be? Nothing but a sorry traitor, that is, if he really was unconscious.

Finally she mustered up her courage once more, walking to him at a normal but still wary pace. He looked so peaceful. Not a trace of emotion on his face. It really caused her distress to think what would have caused this. She reached out her hand to caress his face, lowering it more and more, until suddenly, his eyes shot open!

He scared the shit out of her. She jumped, tripping and falling back on her bum before she looked up at his terrifying figure. He loomed over her, the light behind making him seem like a dark silhouette.

"Chrollo?" she said through tears resurfacing again, "A-are you alright? Do you, d-do you need some help?" she asked worriedly, trying to console him, but something in her gut was screaming at her to fly away. He took another step forward, reaching out to touch her. That was it, she didn't know what the hell was going on, and so instinctively, she pushed off her legs, opting to escape again.

Chrollo x OC- Black Wings (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now