Love Hurts

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Last part, enjoy guys!

Also, love should never hurt. This is kinda toxic and should not be romanticized in real life okie? We just loved messed up characters/relationships though don't we:)


She felt his pulse under her hands, she felt his veins, and how his life force flowed through them. She squeezed harder, letting out her rage. He was coughing, unable to breathe, but surprisingly he didn't grab onto her to stop her. He didn't? Well good, this way she could get more punches in.

She started hurling her fists at him left and right, each time his face shooting to the opposite sides. "You bastard!" she yelled as she kept punching. She busted his lip, seeing it bleed. It awakened a feeling in her she didn't know she had. Pleasure. Pleasure at seeing the blood of her enemies. She hit him harder, "I hate you ! I hate you!" she yelled in disdain. She hit him again and again, seeing more blood drip out of his mouth. She could make a river with that shit.

She kept going until she started getting a bit tired, her knuckles hurting from the amount of punches she threw. She exhaled, looking down while her hair covered her eyes. She caught a glimpse of his eyes staring at her with the most gentle look they could muster. Why was he acting this way?! Why was he acting like a broken puppy who still loved its master? Not one bit of ire or irritation shown in his visage. That made her even more angry as she hit him again. Harder and harder.

No matter what she did he still looked accepting, sorry. She fisted her hands, coming hard on his chest in annoyance, tears welling up in her eyes. Why, why was he being like this? She thought as tears rolled down her cheeks. He's such an idiot!

Before she knew it he was cupping her face with his palm tenderly. It surprised her, making her look up to him. He was covered in bruises and scars from their tussle. Her brows furrowed. Her protecting urge started peeking out from the cloaks of darkness within her heart. She stood frozen.

He then shifted, grabbing the back of her head and bringing it down to his chest. He stroked it up and down.

"I know, I know," he said as she kept crying. After a while, she finally stopped, letting the quiet silence fill the void of hatred in the air. He sat up, bringing her up with him. He held her face with both his hands while looking at her deeply in the eyes.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked softly. She nodded, looking down. "Good," he repeated as he brushed through her hair once more. His hands then slid down to her back, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer until their chests met.

Even though she didn't want to, she did want to. She hugged him back, holding him in an embrace. She felt his strong muscles as they held her, making her feel safe. She gripped his jacket, feeling hurt, but so in love. Was that what love was? Pain in happiness? Love hurt, it hurt a lot, but it felt so good. It was like an addiction, she wanted and needed it, or else, she'd feel empty, alone. She knew no matter what he did, she would always love him. That thought scared her, but she didn't know how else to ponder. He had always been there for her, saved her when she was forsaken. He rescued her from her suffering and loneliness. He gave her happiness and joy. Warmth and comfort. Without him, she'd be nothing. She'd be back to being abandoned and unloved. That thought scared her even more so she held onto him tighter. She would never let him go. She wouldn't, couldn't live without him, no matter what.

She shifted, looking up into his eyes tenderly. Caressing his face, she used her powers to heal him. His scars and bruises disappearing. He gave her a small grin as he pet her back. "Good girl," he said as he kept stroking her. Her heart fluttered.

When she was done, she studied his eyes affectionately. He was all healed and it made her happy. Even if the pain in her back was almost unbearable and kept gnawing at her, she gave him a smile. He traced her features with his eyes, stopping at her lips.

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