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Dont hate me pls 💀


She turned around, instinctively wanting to run away until he toppled her to the ground. He kneeled atop her, holding her down with his forearm and she lay face first against the ground.

"Chrollo! Chrollo please!" she begged, she didn't want to die yet.

"Don't worry my sweet angel, you'll be fine," he said sweetly, brushing his fingers along her neck before bringing the knife to her throat. She struggled under his hold, feeling like she couldn't breathe. The way her neck was angled hurt, and the knife at her throat certainly didn't help.

"C-chroll-" she could barely get out. He pushed the knife harder against her throat, bringing his head down and whispering in her ear. "It'll only take a second, I promise," he said. Himari closed her eyes, ready for her ending. Actually she couldn't think of another way to die. She either wanted to die as an old lady or by the hands of Chrollo if need be. Except she didn't think it would be in this kind of situation. Maybe along the lines of her allowing him to kill her in order to protect him. But, she guessed this is how their love story would come to an end. One can never know fate or where their destiny belongs, so she simply accepted it and waited. Except nothing pierced her.

The knife moved away from her throat, Chrollo shifting his weight as she visibly calmed down. Her head fell back down. He straddled her, slightly sitting on her back as she felt him grab something. Something that was so important to her, so precious to her that she could never end up losing. Her heart began to practically shatter. Her nerves started going haywire, sounds drowning out. She felt every tiny sensation on her body. Jolts ran through her bloodstream and her heartbeat quickened. No he wouldn't...he would never. She started shaking, turning her head to see what he was about to do. Her eyes widened, tears bursting out of her eyes as he held the knife up.

"NO!" she screeched, the pain in her voice utterly terrifying. Her voice echoed everywhere throughout the room, soundwaves bouncing on and off the walls.

"No please! Please don't do this Chrollo! Please, I'm begging you!" she stared at him with urgency. He wore no expression on his face, simply calm as always. As if she were just another victim.

She turned to look at the other troupe members witnessing the whole thing. Some turned away looking sorry, while others just looked like they pitied her. Some looked like they didn't care while others just stared at the walls. She looked to them with pleading in her eyes but none of them seemed willing to give a hand. Did they know this was gonna happen or did they truly not give a shit? She turned back to him as he gripped them tight in his hands. She squirmed, feeling the pain of them dislocating.

"C-Chrollo," she began, now sobbing her eyes out, "Please if you ever loved me don't do this."

He looked at her with bothered and somewhat unsure eyes, but he returned back to his non-expression just as quickly as he came to it. He lifted his hand, Himari in a flash looked back down on the ground and covered her face with her arms crossed.

And just as he had lifted it, it was back down. The knife dripped with blood as Himari's wings were cut off right her back. The ones she had since she was little. What her family had nurtured and kept in their bloodline. What gave her freedom, chance, liberty, happiness. It all just, ripped off. She felt a weight drop from her shoulders.

Her pupils were extended, dilated in shock. Once her body came to its senses, she let out a blood-curdling scream, echoing off every wall. You could hear the rasp in her voice as she continued weeping. She felt like she was paralyzed as Chrollo slowly stood up, an unhappy look painting his face. She kept crying and sobbing. Groaning from the pain of not just physical, but mental torture. Her wings were gone. Her freedom was gone. She felt like she was being chained to the earth, unable to move.

Chrollo x OC- Black Wings (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now