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Was it out of impulse? Or were you expecting her call? So many thoughts came to mind but soon found their way to stop as you hear her voice on the other line.

Your hands were trembling even though you were warm as you stared at the television in front of you blankly.


Mina's confused voice seemed to snap you out of your daze as you responded in a trembling voice. Unable to comprehend that after five years she would call you.


The said woman froze after hearing your voice, it's been so long she already forgot about it as if you were both back in school. Mina grew nervous as she swallowed the lump on her throat.

Your voice seemed so familiar to her. It was like Mina met you before but that's not what she cared about at all.

"It's been so long"

You continued your voice seemingly unable to stop trembling as you turned your hand into a fist clenching as hard as you can.

You didn't know what to feel, anger? Resentment? Happy? Your body had its own mind with your tears escaping after hearing her speak once again.

"How are you Y/N?"

Oh, her voice, you still can't get enough of it. The way she still worries, it was all the same as before. The same feelings arise, maybe even stronger than before.

"I'm fine"

Your tone said otherwise and Mina knew better than to believe you. It felt like a gunshot to the heart hearing you try to hide the fact you were crying even though Mina knew you better than Jeongyeon can ever do. You out of all the people know how smart Mina is but still you can't help but hide the fact you missed her.

Unable to utter a single word again you were about to end the call when Mina spoke in a way that shows she was desperate.

"Can we meet?"

Your finger stops midway from ending the call and just like that you were holding your breath. Mina on the other hand was nervous as ever. More nervous than talking to strangers and more anxious than getting married.

"Sure, just text me"

You didn't quite think about your answer. It was so blunt that when you ended the call that was the sole moment you realized that you in fact agreed to meeting with Mina. Your first love that left you alone for the past five years.

"Y/N? This is Jeongyeon's driver"

You heard a familiar voice outside your front door so swiftly you cleaned yourself up before letting the driver enter.

"Did something happen to Jeongyeon?"

For a few minutes, you forgot Jeongyeon even existed. Mina's voice was all you can reminisce now as if the things you had done with Jeongyeon were all just a dream you completely forgot the next day.

"I was told to be your driver until she gets back"

Your heart sank at this because you knew so well that Jeongyeon only wanted someone to look at your every move now that Mina was here Jeongyeon became more protective over you. You didn't know if this was still in the category of being protective but all this time, you just wanted someone to care and that's how you met Jeongyeon.

But why is it that now you feel like there's a camera everywhere you go? Being watched and guarded like a prisoner in a locked-up cell.

Did I mess this up?

You knew better than to meet Mina today so you just nodded to the driver letting them sit on the couch before going to your room to text Mina that you won't be able to meet her today.

Hopefully just not today as much as Mina was desperate to meet you. You felt the same way as well but if the same loyal driver of Jeongyeon goes back to Jeongyeon saying that you and Mina met up and talked. It would be a huge mess.

You didn't want to involve Mina in the mess you made in your life and it was all too late when you found out that Jeongyeon wasn't settling for just a friend without wasting anymore time. You stayed in your room the whole day formulating a plan so you could meet Mina.

You knew Jeongyeon wouldn't be easy to handle and if you tell her that you were going to meet Mina, she would probably join you so you had no other choice but to keep it a secret to her.

Wanting to talk to Mina alone, you were bound to do anything and everything. After five whole years, you can finally see her and talk to her properly without any coincidences and without any other people involved.

Even if it meant breaking a rule Jeongyeon gave you which was to never hide secrets from her. Breaking a rule, you never imagined it at first hell you didn't even know how bad your relationship was with Jeongyeon even after having 'rules' and calling it a friendly relationship.

Even though you were quick to notice Jeongyeon was just using you, you weren't that quick to notice how much of a mess your life was already.

Unable to notice that it was already evening, you continued planning until your phone lit up indicating someone texted you. At first you expected it was Jeongyeon but as you checked it was Mina who messaged you.

Tell me when you're free, let's meet at our school

Your school was already abandoned after falling into a huge debt thankfully you were graduating before it officially closed down. It was a great school but some people are really unlucky and you consider yourself as one of them just like the school itself, you completely abandoned everything just for the sake of having someone who can comfort you.

You didn't want to be left alone again and that's what angered you because before Mina came to your life you were doing just fine yet at the same time you can't stay mad for so long because it was also Mina who made the once boring school feel so exciting.

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