Chapter 1- Resistance

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This wasn't going right, they were resisting too much.

"In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit I command you to leave this body!"

The possessed looked at me with white eyes, and laughed evilly. "I will kill her if I leave before I am ready."

I grabbed some holy water and splashed it onto its face, wincing as it roared in pain. It flung the poor girls body into the wall and I heard a crack.

"That was her ribs. Now tell me, priest. What is your name?" I was taken aback, why did it want to know my name? This wasn't normal.

"Your name. Now. Otherwise it won't be her ribs that break, maybe it'll be her arms or legs."

I hated this, I'd never been so powerless. Normally, during an exorcism, I had enough power to send the demon back to hell. But this time, I couldn't do anything.

"R-Ricky." I stuttered over my words, I was doing everything I could to make sure no more harm came to her.

I didn't even know this woman, I think her name was Ashley. I was here to perform an exorcism, not talk to the spawn of hell.

"That's a nice name." It purred, standing up and walking up to me. "I'm Chris. Sometimes I'm known as Motionless or, I guess in your tongue, I'm the worst of the worst."

I didn't need him to carry on.

"Let her go." I said, holding a wooden cross up. I was running out of ideas. "You stupid mortal. A piece of wood isn't going to do anything."

He hit my hand away, breaking a small bone in my hand. I felt my eyes tear up with pain but refused to let it show.

"I can see it in your eyes, you're hurting. I like that." I felt scared. I didn't know what to do anymore.

I dropped to my knees, succumbing to my weakness. If he wanted to kill me then let him, I'd rather die than an innocent person suffer for any longer. His laugh was bitter, it was like venom to my ears. 

I was lost, I clasped my hands together and began to pray, asking our lord for advice and guidance, whilst also pledging my soul to him. "Shut up." The demon snarled, kicking me over. That was a rib, this time I let out a yell.

He was toying with me, I could tell. 

"I guess my fun is up, for now. I'll be seeing you soon, Ricky." I looked up and watched as his eyes rolled back into his head. Ashley threw up blood all over her torn dress and collapsed like a lifeless doll. 

I ignored my pain and stood up, walking over to her and crouching down. I gently placed my hand on her head and begged the lord to protect her. 

"I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Ego te absolvo." I chanted the phrase over again, ending it with Latin for absolution. The Latin meant I absolve you, so essentially I was repeating the same thing.

I grabbed the holy water and dipped my fingers in the water before I traced the mark of the cross over her forehead. The door opened and my friend, Ryan, walked in. "Ricky? What happened?" I shook my head and stood up with a groan.

"She was possessed by a strong demon, he told me people call him Motionless. He broke her ribs, she needs to go to the hospital as soon as, can you call them please?" He nodded as I leant against the wall, trying to catch my breath. 

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. Ricky, you need to go too." I nodded and sighed. I wasn't used to having my body beaten as badly as it was. "I think I have a broken rib, I know the demon broke a bone in my hand." 

To emphasize the point, I lifted my hand. It was swollen and red, with patches of purple and black bruising forming. "My god." He muttered, which caused me to send him a disapproving look. 

The ambulance came and took me and Ashley to the hospital. I had two broken ribs, a mild concussion and the Lunate bone in my hand was broken. Ashley had four broken ribs, a broken leg and a severe concussion. 

With a cast on my hand and my chest wrapped up in bandages, I discharged myself and went back to the church. 

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