Chapter 20- Two sides

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I was lost in Ricky's mind, trying to find my lover.

I saw all of his memories, each kiss and hug we shared. All of the bad parts too, and his pain, I felt it like it was my own. When he almost lost control before, it was my fault. I'd caused him too much pain.

I caused him to change his entire identity, he wanted to stop people from suffering. I'd never seen somebody with a soul as pure as his. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of white, and I did a double take. I'd definitely seen something. It looked like a person.

The figure came closer and I found myself staring into Ricky's Crystal blue eyes. He had a pair of angel wings protruding from his back."Ricky!" He smiled at me and hugged me tightly.

 "I missed you, Chris. How can we get out of here?"

"Hold on, why do you have angel wings?" I mumbled, holding onto him. "I'm not sure, when I lost control I guess it awakened the half angel part of me?"

"That's so weird. Anyway, I'm not sure how we get out of here." Ricky pulled away and looked at me expressionless.

"You mean you came into my mind to save me from the darkness and you don't know how to get back?" I laughed sheepishly before looking down.


"Well luckily, I know." I turned around to the voice and saw Ricky. Again? But he was still next to me?

This Ricky had blood red eyes, and fire coated wings. "Both of us make a whole, we make Ricky, basically." The angel Ricky explained softly, smiling a bit.

The demon walked over and as they joined hands, there was a bright flash and then I was back in front of Ashley.

"What happened?" She said, sounding alarmed as she helped me up. I shook my head before looking sharply at Ricky. His eyes flew open, and I stared in shock.

One of his eyes was red and the other was crystal blue. "What the fuck?" Ashley said, taking a step back.  "Why am I tied up?" He mumbled, glancing down at his restraints. Before I could answer, there was a bright flash of golden light, and he stood up and walked up to me.

One of his wings was now white and feathery. "You look...different, like half of you looks like an angel and the other..." I trailed off. This hadn't happened with me and my brother, maybe it was because our father was the old demon king?

Maybe we were born to be more demonic than angelic.

 Ricky flung his arms around me, with a big smile on his face.

"I know. I guess I've been fully awakened? I mean, I don't exactly understand it to be honest. But I do know that I'm my true self." Ashley and the others stared at him wordlessly whilst I held onto him tightly. 

Ricky pushed me away gently before flying up into the air above us. "But this isn't good. I'm a lot stronger than I was, and I can heal people too. The Archangels are going to come to try and get me to go over to them." 

"But they can't, you're an Incubus too. You need lust to stay alive." Ashley pointed out. He laughed softly before hovering gracefully down to the floor.  "I don't think that's the case anymore" He mumbled before walking away. He seemed different and I didn't know how to feel about it. 

(Ricky's POV)

I finally felt complete, I felt like myself again. Vinny and Ryan rushed up to me, stopping the moment they saw my new appearance. "Hi guys." I said with a small smile. They stared at me in disbelief. "What happened to you?" Ryan questioned.

"Well, it turns out that I was born half angel and half demon. But the angel side of me was dormant until I lost control completely. So I guess I'm a new breed, I'm half angel and half demon." They didn't know about Chris and his brother, I had to make sure I never told anybody the secret.

They stared at me, clearly in shock. I didn't blame them, I didn't believe that this was even possible. "Well, you're still the same Ricky, right?" Vinny asked with an awkward laugh. 

"Obviously. Come on, I miss my bed." I laughed, giving them both tight hugs as we made our way back to my palace. Chris was waiting for me in my room, a dark lustful look in his eyes that made my heart race. 

"Come here." He whispered softly, patting my bed and licking his lips, I swallowed and rushed over, letting him pin me down and kiss me fiercely, his hands roaming my body whilst his tongue delved deep in my mouth. 

I could feel myself slowly growing more powerful as I began to absorb the lust, and I grew more and more aroused as each second went by. Then, Chris pulled away and held me tightly. "I know what you want. I want it too." He whispered in my ear softly.

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