Not so beautiful skin.

47 0 0

November 1, 2004

Noah opened his eyes and found himself lying partially on Sophia’s body. He blushed and slowly moved away from her. Then he just lay near her watching her sleep. Suddenly it caught his eyes. The sleeves and pant legs of her pyjamas were lifted up and he got a good look at her arms and legs. Dark purple bruises cover her entire body. There were several scars on her legs and arms too. Red lines run across her legs and it made Noah wince because it looked so painful.

He didn’t want to disturb Sophia but he was really curious. She turned over and Noah lifted the back of her shirt. It was even worse than her legs. Noah opened his mouth lightly in shock and touched her bare back delicately, fearing that he might hurt her. Sophia began to stir.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I saw Noah looking at me with this sad expression on his face.

“What’s wrong Noah?” I asked.

“Who did this to you?”

Then he lifted the sleeve of my shirt.

I opened my mouth in shock. I tried to hide it but I couldn’t believe he saw my bruises.

As I tried to answer him, I heard my stepmom’s footsteps heading towards my room.

“Noah!” I yelled, turning back to him, who was rubbing my bruises.

“You have to get out of here! My mom is coming!” Noah looked at me surprised but I opened my window for him to climb out.

“Climb down this tree. Goodbye kuya,” I said to him with tears in my eyes.

Noah remained silent the whole time as he left her room. But he didn’t leave though. He sat on the branch of her tree and looked through her window. He couldn’t hear what Sophia and her mom were talking about but he saw it. He saw Sophia’s mom bring out a small wooden stick and whack her with it several times. Noah couldn’t take it anymore. He busted back into Sophia’s room.

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