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**You must have read the warriors books or have an idea of the lore to join the roleplay.**

**Failure to follow these rules may result in warnings, and in worse situations being kicked permanently from the roleplay.**

**Please do not use alts to attempt to rejoin if you are banned, any accounts of the sort will be permanently muted and ignored.**

**your account must be two weeks old or older to join. **

**The code is your favourite warrior cats character – include this in your form!**

NSFW and Pedophilia are not allowed or tolerated.

Please keep language PG13, and any swearing censored.

No killing/hurting another character without permission.

Do not roleplay before I accept your form/s.

No extreme gore, and if necessary be sure to add a warning.
(for things such as intense wounds or vomit, please include CW/TWs if necessary.)

triggering topics, (such as eating disorders, suicide, self harm and school shootings) are not allowed to be included/discussed in detail in the roleplay.

Keep characters realistic.
Please be sure that your character isn't bright purple, or named something that is out of the cats vocabulary.
(example - glittersparkle, hammerclaw.)
This rule can be excluded if your character is a former kittypet/loner and that was originally their name.

Hate the character, not the roleplayer.

Off topic discussions are not allowed in roleplay chains as it clogs them and creates unnecessary notification spam, please be sure to keep conversations in the other chat chain.

Prophecies are not allowed unless you've talked to me/been given permission beforehand.

Burnt bridges - a warrior cats RP | closedWhere stories live. Discover now