Day three - closed

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Roleplay down in the comment chains

| Season |

| Current condition of the mist |
The mist has passed for now.

| Weather |
Sunshine peeks through the clouds, bringing the promise of warm weather.

Notice | This day is closed! If you have anything you'd like to finish up on this day, feel free. But after that, please roleplay on the current day.

| Notes from Sorrel |

| Rank notices | **new!

*୨୧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ୨୧*

| Recap - 30/03/22|

PetalClan -
Snowspots was appointed as the new Clan leader, he picked Rosefire as his deputy.
Stripedkit, Dirtkit and Sunkit all became apprentices.
Dirtpaw became Lilyseed's apprentice.

A kittypet named Kenny accidentally found himself within the camp, Fadedstep brought him back to Twoleg place but they discovered his owner was too ill to take care of him, he's staying with the Clan until further notice.

Featherheart, Snowspots and Mistears teased Dewpaw so much that the apprentices came up with a plan to pretend Dewpaw was sick so he could avoid them. Although Stripedkit ate a deathberry in the process, Dirtkit gave her yarrow and she recovered.

Stripedkit became jealous of both Dewpaw and Cherrypaw, leading to her attacking the apprentice, also causing Dewpaw's nose to be scratched. Though neither were seriously Injured, Stripedkit ran off and attempted to leave the Clan. But Fadedstep brought her back alongside Kenny, and all three cats appear to have made up.

Dewpaw mostly replaced the herbs both he and Cherrypaw used.

Kenny was upset with the treatment he received from the clan, asking Fadedstep to bring him back. Although she refused, and he ran off. Accidentally getting himself caught within a thorn bush, Fadedstep managed to get him out, though both cats didn't escape without minor injuries. Lilyseed treated them.

PuddleClan -
When Roseshadow, Badgerpelt and Spiderpetal were out helping Dappleleaf and Crabheart retrain, the mist unexpectedly arrived. Making Spiderpetal believe Barkkit was still alive, Although Crabheart wasn't aware of this and he went out into the mist to look him, losing his memories in the process.

Roseshadow and Badgerpelt also got stuck together when the mist arrived, she almost confesses to him but she runs out of the den and gets caught in the mist.

Badgerpelt is horrified, and angry that StarClan would let it happen. Blaming them for the troubles the clans are going through and declaring that he hates them. He wakes Roseshadow up to convince her that StarClan caused her to lose her memories. Although Mousepetal overhears, and calls him crazy. Causing him to lash out and injure her.
Fawnstar confides him to the elders den until further notice.

Moonpaw and Splashpaw become Splashfire and Moonpounce.
Mousepetal becomes increasingly upset with how much time her sister Spiderpetal spends with her mate, but Spiderpetal makes it up to her and they seem to bond again.
Badgerpelt and Dappleleaf get into an argument and are no longer friends, Crabheart is upset by this and tries to figure out what really happened.
The kits teased Moonpounce and Splashfire, causing both to run off to their secret hideout in embarrassment, but
then they actually become mates.

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