Day four - closed

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Roleplay down in the comment chains

| Season |
Early Leaffall

| Current condition of the mist |
The mist is nowhere to be seen.

| Weather |
Sunshine peeks down through the clouds, though not without brisk wind.

This day is closed! If you have anything you'd like to finish up on this day, feel free. But after that, please roleplay on the current day.

| Notes from Sorrel |
Recaps coming soon.

| Rank notices |

| Recap - 01/05/22 |
*୨୧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ୨୧*
| cats who got lost within the mist/lost their memories on the previous day |
Dappleleaf - PuddleClan
Spiderpetal - PuddleClan
Harefoot - PuddleClan
Goosegaze - PuddleClan
Stripedpaw - PetalClan
Sweetvine - BranchClan
Springkit - BranchClan
Fernkit - BranchClan

PetalClan -
In a disagreement with Kenny, Stripedpaw stole his bell and collar, Dropping it accidentally into the water after Dirtpaw tried to stop her. She almost drowned, though Dirtpaw and Dewpaw managed to get her out.

Fadedstep managed to recover the bell, though she couldn't get the collar.

Stripedpaw got into another fight with Kenny over the collar, stealing it for a second time and burying it in a unknown location close to the water.

Lilyseed stumbled upon Shadowsong at the BranchClan border, he suggested they continue meeting up at gatherings and the borders, but she refused.

HailClan found a tunnel leading into PetalClan territory, they were discovered and a battle ensued. Leaving cats on both sides injured, with the tunnel collapsing. Leaving Fadedstep in HailClan, and Aspenwing in PetalClan.

A kittypet named Dawn found her way into camp after being abandoned by her twolegs, she is currently staying with PetalClan.

BranchClan temporarily sheltered in PetalClan camp as their territory was destroyed by Twolegs, Robinpaw and Patchpaw got into a fight with Stripedpaw, Ashstrike had to step into stop her. She ended up having to apologise.

Stripedpaw got caught in mist alongside Fernkit.

Cherrypaw almost let her memories be lost to the mist, before Dewpaw and Stripedpaw convinced her to stay inside camp.

Adderkit accidentally clawed Badgerkit, he furiously told him that he didn't want to be his brother anymore. Adderkit was horrified, thinking he was a monster for what he'd done.

Lilyseed treated his scratches.

Ashstrike really likes...catmint.
He suggested Stripedpaw try it to calm herself down, but Lilyseed refused to give her or Ashstrike any, to his disappointment.

Cherrypaw helped Dewpaw sneak out of Camp and onto HailClan territory to avoid the gathering, unfortunately Kenny followed and almost drowned trying to get across the stepping stones. Nimblecloud and Cherrypaw managed to save him before she and Dewpaw snuck off again.

They found the barn, being pinned down by two members of the outcasts before they were eventually allowed to return home, with Louie wanting to inform Snowstar of what the outcasts were really planning.

Dewpaw and Cherrypaw were given duties to do as punishment for sneaking out.

Frostleaf found out that she has a sister named Dappleleaf in PuddleClan, she eventually moved to PuddleClan to be with her.

Cardinalspots also realised he was related to Crabheart, eventually moving to PuddleClan alongside Frostleaf.

Lilyseed talked to Shadowsong again, the two eventually agreeing to become mates in secret.

Nimblecloud found out, upset that Shadowsong had been lying and cheating on him.

BranchClan returned home to their own territory.

Kenny decided to stay in PetalClan rather than returning to new twolegs, he also kept his name.

Snowstar selected Fadedstep as the ambassador of PetalClan, instructing her to go to HailClan to tell Froststar he had changed his mind on the role, he also sent Stripedpaw alongside her as a punishment for her behaviour at the previous gathering.

Adderkit returned home after being stolen by the Outcasts.

PuddleClan -

BranchClan -

HailClan -

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