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             Curiosity causes me to take a small step forward. Did they really just eat their comrade? My foot accidentally kicks a metal pipe laying at my feet. Suddenly, the four Ravog turn their heads our direction. A loud noise, a cross between a snarl, a growl, and a howl, comes from their mouths and they run towards us.

          "We are caught! Go! Go! Go!" I shout, turning back around.

           Amlican takes off, but those things are surprisingly fast, because despite my head start, they quickly catch up to me. One of them, grabs me, its long claws digging into my arm, causing searing pain. "Let go!" I shout. I turn and punch the creature in the face, hoping it will loosen its grip. Instead, it digs it's claws in, deeper. I reach for my blade, but another Ravog grabs my other arm before I can reach it. The two of them drag me, kicking and screaming over to their leader. At least Amlican got away.

          "What do you want with me?" I shout, still struggling to get away. But with every movement I am rewarded with more pain.

          "You were spying on us!" the leader shouts, turning his head to the side to look at me and pointing a clawed finger.

          "No, I wasn't. I was walking by. I was lost. I was going to ask for directions." I lie, shaking my head.

          "Where's your friend?"

             "What friend? I was alone. No friends. No one but me." Please let Amlican be hiding, far away.

           "Guess you won't mind when my boys eat this one." the leader says, motioning towards someone, behind me.

            "Astra!" Amlican shouts as one of them drags him over beside me.

            "Amlican! I told you to run! Why are you still here?" I ask in a panic.

              "I wasn't going to leave you alone. I was attempting to rescue you, when this thug caught me." Amlican says.

             "So, you two do know each other." the leader sneers. "Who do you work for? Why were you spying?" He turns his head and walks towards Amlican.

              "We don't work for anyone. We weren't spying. We really were lost." Amlican says.

              "Shut up!" the leader shouts. He turns his head my direction, walks over to me, and puts his face in mine. "You appear to be the leader, I'll give you one more chance to tell me who you work for and if you lie to me, your friend is dead. Got it?"

            "I'm telling you the truth!" I shout.

            "Fine. Have it your way!" the leader shouts, walking over to Amlican. He pulls his hand back and then brings it forward, swiping his sharp claws, down Amlican's chest and then across his stomach. The claws must have cut deep, because blood starts flowing from the wounds, and he falls to the floor, dead. Both Ravog holding me let go and dive for Amlican's dead body. The three of them start eating him.

            I stand and stare at the horrifying spectacle in front of me before I remember the time travel jacket I'm wearing. I double tap on the sleeve, the screen pops up, but before I can start entering a date, a clawed finger slams the screen back closed.

      "I don't think so." A voice hisses.

       I look up, completely confused. Before me stands a Ravog with a gold ring in his nose. It's not the leader that was shouting at me, it's a completely new one. How did he see the screen? Or did he do that by accident?

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