My Life

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6:00 am 

I wake up to work out, I have to stay in shape for soccer. I get out of my bed and put my workout clothes on. I go downstairs and stretch and start my workout routine. When I finish I say good morning to my dad and go get dressed for the day. 

I take a shower and put clothes on. 

Your clothes: 

( You had a simple style nothing too flashy like most girls in your school) 

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( You had a simple style nothing too flashy like most girls in your school) 

You go downstairs to see your twin brother hyunjin and your sister yegi has already left to go to middle school.  You love your siblings so much and your twin brother you tell everything to. 

" Hey, pabo" I say to hyunjin "Y/n-ah, why do you have to be so mean," he says back to me. 

" Y'all stop playing around and eat you guys have to go to school," our dad says.

"Okay appa," we say together.

We eat my favorite fluffy pancakes with blueberries. My dad makes the best breakfast my mom runs a morning cafe so she isn't here in the morning but there in the nighttime. My dad runs his own company an entertainment company called Star is born which is pretty cool. He works late nights though. 

" Are you done yet Y/n, you look like you are about to pass out by stuffing your face full of pancakes" hyunjin says. 

" I am done now, you ruined my appetite. Thanks a lot" I say in response. 

" Your welcome, now who is driving?" he says. 

" I will,  you scare me when you drive" I reply. 

" Yah!" he screams 

"Let's go," I say, grabbing his hand and dragging us out. 

" Bye appa" we scream 

" Have a good day!" he screams back at us. 


Me and hyunjin split ways and go to our friends. I walk up to my friends Ren and Taehyung. 

" Hello dummies," I say 

" Seriously Y/n, you can't go on a day without insulting us?" taehyung says 

" Ani~ Unless you pay me tae" I reply to him.  

" Fine, we will pay $10 an hour if you don't insult us," Ren says. 

"  Deal, I am gonna get this bank," I say. 

The bell rings, which means it is time to go to class. 

" Alright, see you guys at lunch," Ren says

" Bye Bye," me and taehyung say. 

We all part ways and I go to my first class which is health/Science, I choose this class because it is one of my favorite subjects. I get into the class and I sit. Then the teacher walks and the boy with a hoodie on walks and sits next to me. I start to think, is he new? Well, that makes no sense because the teacher would announce him. I don't know maybe he doesn't want to be announced. He looks none talkative. Then the teacher starts talking. 

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