Chapter Thirty One: Safe House

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"It's beautiful here" Luna says in her tinkling voice. 

"It was our aunt's. We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us, at least." Bill fills her in as he and Fleur prepare some food. She smiles, the plays with the wind chime. 

"Muggles think these keep evil away" 

"But they're wrong" Your voice sends everyone looking your way, you come down the stairs aided by Fred. 

"How are you?" Hermione asks as you sit at the table. 

"I haven't decided yet" You chuckle. 

"The erm, the. . ." Ron says awkwardly. 

"Babies are  fine, luckily, Bill isn't too bad with spells" you smile at Bill who looks up "missed your vocation, should have been a midwife" you say playfully. 

"I think I just spent far to much time with my mother as she raised us all" he chuckles back "thats what kept them alive" Bill adds, motioning to the bump as he watches your frown a little "old magic, a mo. . ." 

"Mothers love" Harry walks in, Bill nods with a sad smile at Harry "a mothers love" Harry repeats looking at you. 

"Wait, hang on, did you say babies?" George sits up "sorry to break up the sibling bonding moment but you defiantly said babies" a huge smile spreads across yours and Freds faces. 

"Twins?" Luna asks with a smile. 

"Twins" you nod. 

"Thats amazing!" Hermione hugs you gently. 

"Congratulations" Jade walks in, timidly everyone looks up. 

"Come here" You smile at her as she walks over, crying "I'm so sorry I couldn't get you out of there" she sobs before letting go. 

"You're no good to us dead Jade" Fred said, earning a shocked but grateful look from her "you looked after her best you could, and we're safe now" Fred smiles. 

"Griphook is awake Harry" Jade wipes her tears and looks at Harry, Bill stops what he's doing. 

"I need to talk to the goblin" Harry says flatly, the golden trio disappear upstairs. 

"Right, who wants to help me start brewing the pollyjuice potion?" you call out as soon as they'd gone. 

"Eh?" Jade looks at you. 

"They're going into the volts, there's a Horcrux in there" 

"No need" Fred said walking over to the bag you'd packed before you left the weeding. "Accio Pollyjuice" and out came a large drinking flask which he caught effortlessly. 

"George and I brewed some whilst in hiding with Jade" he winks happily. 

"God you're good" you beam at him as he slides back down next to you.

"I know" he gives you a cocky smirk before kissing you. 

"RIIGH" Jade says walking off George quickly following, feeling the room empty, you carry on Fred cupping your face, kissing you deeply, sliding his tongue in, ravenous for more. Your hand running through his hair. 

"I'm so sorry" he breaks away a little, your both breathless as he leans his forehead on yours. 


"Because I wasn't there to protect you" 

"Fred" you hold his face "Freddie baby look at me" he lifts his eyes to meet yours "Fred Weasley, you saved my life, our babies lives" his eyes drop and you kiss him to get his attention back. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, you're my hero Fred, don't forget that" you start to cry. 

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