Wine and Roses

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Just because I couldn't think of a better title.

This is my AU and in this AU, everyone looks like a human and uses human names. Also Victoria and Eric have this hate/love relationship which is mainly just hate but they would protect each other with their life.


Mentions of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Mentions of death


Mentions of the German occupation of France

Foul language 

Victoria- United Kingdom

Eric- United States of America

Dimitri- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR/Soviet Union

Felix- East Germany

Heidi- West Germany

Aoi- South Japan

Kiyoshi- North Japan

Kana- Imperial Japan

Julian- France

Maria- Mexico

Audette- Paris

Elizabeth- London

Owen- Canada


The sounds of glass clinking, silverware clanking against each other, voices chattering, and footsteps filled the restaurant. Victoria was patiently waiting for Eric in their designated meeting spot. Currently, Eric was 20 minutes late and Victoria was already on her second cup of wine.

"Sorry for being late," apologized a familiar American, "I sort of lost track of time with all the celebrating."

Victoria sat her glass of wine down, "20 minutes Eric, I raised you to be punctual." she said.

Eric scowled as he sat down across from her, "Geez, just for your information, I only obeyed your rules. You taught me nothing." he snapped.

Clearly, Victoria ruined his cheerful mood. "Serves him right for being tardy." she thought.

"Oh Eric," she cooed, her voice sweet as honey, "I taught you how to be feared, how to be the most ruthless leader out there. Whether you like it or not, I shaped you into who you are today."

Eric looked down, not meeting her gaze.

"After all, without my guidance from all those years ago, you would have never had the guts to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

Eric slammed his hand down onto the table, momentarily startling the people around them. "Don't you dare bring up the bombings." he snarled.

Victoria chuckled, "Temper Eric," she chided, "temper."

Eric looked away in shame.

Victoria smirked, after all these years Eric still feared her.

"Are you still upset about Dimitri having custody over Felix?" he asked.

"Upset? Your daft boy, I am livid." she retorted, "Why give more territory to Dimitri when you're so against communism?!"

Eric grimaced, "It was either give him both of the children or have a whole ass argument to settle on a compromise, which we didn't have time for." he explained.

Victoria narrowed her eyes, "You bloody liar."

"I swear I'm telling the truth."

"Swear it on your mother then."

Eric paled, confirming Victoria's suspicions.

"Oh, after all these years you still are a daddy's boy." Victoria said, her voice taking on an ominous tone.

Eric gulped, "Imagine your country being occupied by the Germans for four years? Would you have remorse for the children of the woman who tried to take over Europe?"

"I would have remorse, the children did not idolize their mother, they believed what she was doing was wrong. They were traumatized by what they had witnessed of this horrible war. For fucks sake they saw a bloody hole in their mother's head." Victoria's voice cracked with emotion.

"Keep it together Victoria. . ." she thought, she would not lose her cool in front of Eric.

Eric leaned back on his seat, his face remained neutral. "They grieved for their mother."

"Any bloody child would grieve for their mother, I remember you did." Victoria shot back.

Eric rolled his eyes, "I have a hard time believing that you would grieve." he spoke.

"Deep breaths Victoria. . . deep breaths. . ." a voice chimed from the back of her mind.

"Heidi and Felix were not the only pair of twins that lost their parental figure during the war," Victoria began, her eyes glaring at Eric as she reached for her glass and took a sip of wine. "As I recall, Aoi and Kiyoshi were the children of Kana, the personification of Imperial Japan. Now they are living in Hawaii as you care for them."

Eric sighed, "They've been through enough, they were horrified at the deceased body that was once their father."

"So did Heidi and Felix."

Victoria finished her glass of wine and ordered for the check.

"You know, Julian blames himself, about him." Eric muttered.

Victoria froze, she would not lose her cool now, especially not now.

"He felt like he had another chance with Audette, but he was scared." Eric continued, "he wants to have visitation days with Liz and Audette."

"Over my dead body." Victoria snarled.

"You can't hate him forever."

"I'll try, I have to try."

"The past is the past."

"I know, but don't you have Maria to worry about?"

Eric remained silent.

"You're the reason her daughter is dead, maybe try talking to her instead."

The waiter came back with the check and Victoria paid for the wine.

"From what I know, we both lost children that we adored and their siblings suffered." Victoria mused.

"Goodbye Eric, tell Owen and the others I dropped by." Victoria said.

Eric only nodded in acknowledgement and with that, Victoria left.


"Hi mum." greeted Elizabeth, Victoria's oldest daughter, "how was the trip?"

Victoria slipped off her shoes and coat, "Exhausting," she replied, "I'm ready to pass out for an entire week."

Elizabeth chuckled, "That bad huh?"

Victoria nodded and set her cane in the umbrella stand. "How has Heidi been adjusting?"

"Good, she has some nightmares but they weren't as bad as before so that's good." Liz responded.

"Well fancy that. Anything else?"

"She wants to visit Felix."

"I won't deny her the ability to visit her brother, tomorrow I'll let her make her way to Berlin."

Liz smiled, "She's going to love that news."

Victoria yawned, "I hope so, now, I'll be heading to my room. Goodnight Love."

"Goodnight mum."

Victoria kissed her daughter's head and made her way down the hall.

She didn't even notice the bouquet of roses on her nightstand, or the note that was neatly settled on top of the scarlet red flowers.


With the hope that we could be friends again,

-Julian Agard

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