Part 4

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Hello everyone I just realised that I spelt Hyeok-u's name wrong the whole time so for this part, I will spell it correctly. Enjoy part 4 :)

Y/N's POV:
It was lunch and I was sitting in the cafeteria,it was very loud,I hated loud and crowded places. When I finished my food I went to my classroom and shut my eyes. When I heard footsteps I opened my eyes and looked around. It was Hyeok-u.
"What are you doing here?" I said
"I could ask you the same thing." He said coming closer. When he was In front of me he leaned in to my face. He was very close to my face,too close.
"What are you doing?" I said trying to not blush. He put his hand on my face and rubbed some thing off.
"You had rice on your face." Then he backed away and threw the rice in the bin. When I opened my mouth the bell rang. Stupid bell.

~After school~

I was going to pick up Na-youn and then Hyeok-u appeared out of no where.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Going to pick up my sister." I walked faster to get away from him but he cached up quickly.
"What's her name?" Jeez,he asks a lot of questions.
"Na-youn." I arrived to the tea shop and went inside. Of course, Hyeok-u followed me behind. He's like a little puppy,trying to find a home.
"Y/N!" Na-youn came up to me and hugged my leg. She looked up at me and had a confused look.
"Who is that man?" She pointed at Hyeok-u
"He is my fr-"
"Boyfriend." Before I could finish my sentence, Hyeok-U  jumped in and said 'boyfriend?!'
"Ohhhh..You have a boyfriend already?" Na-youn said while standing up.
"Okayyy,let's go now." I picked her up and went to Hyeok-u's house,luckily his dad knew me so he let us stay. When we got to his house he showed me to the guest room where me and my lil sister would sleep in. He showed me around the house as well. I needed to change out of my uniform but didn't have any clothes,they were all at my uncle's house..Great,just great...
Me and Hyeok-u was alone in the living room while Na-youn was sleeping in our room.
"Hey,uhm do you have any spare clothes I could wear? All of my clothes are in my uncle's house."
"Sure." He got up and rummage through his room. Then came back with a hoodie and a pair of pants.

The hoodie:

The hoodie:

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The pants:

The pants:

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"Here." He handed them to me.
"Thank you." I said. I stood up and went to my room to change into them. When I came out he looked at me up and down.
"What? Does it not suit me?" I questioned.
"N-no it just that...your really pretty." I blushed at the comments and went to sit back down.

510 words
Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this part. I don't know what to say but thank you and have a good day/night 👋

shin Hyeok-u x Y/N fem! Enemy's to lovers the uncanny counter (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now