Chapter XII

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The night's skies were empty. It had no stars whatsoever, not even the moon. Rather, it was filled with dark grey clouds, if they really were. But things changed in mere moments, the skies flashed vibrantly with colours as it crackled. Such things were in the eyes of Kyleigh who was sitting like an indian on the wooden planks of her balcony, and Aquila, who laid his head on her crossed legs. Dawn, the little puppy, was also there, laying itself on his belly. They were beside the small koi pond that a small waterfall from the wall filled.

She held his face between her palms as her eyes fell upon his. It watched the skies sparkle through the reflection on his green eyes, making its owner smile.

She turned her eyes to a grand piano behind her, in the living room behind the sliding glass doors of the balcony, where a blue-lined envelope was placed leaning on a vase of bue flowers. Her face became blank as the winds swept her hair.

It was like the dark and silverish skies of the afternoon of December the 21st, as she had remembered. The winds had swept her hair the same way it had at that very afternoon and the same envelope was at her sight.

She had seen his face lean so close to her lips once more. His breath had covered her mouth, overpowering hers, through the form of a sweeping white smoke. While his eyes had shown her reflection clearer than any mirror

Her heart had started beating intensely as much as it did before, only that it didn't stop growing faster and stronger. All the while, her cheeks had started to feel as if it was being burnt, as the butterflies in her stomach had began to flutter wildly and rampantly.

She heard a familiar voice as she had closed her eyes, "Kiwi!"

His breaths had become warmer than what she recalled.

"Kiwi!" the voice called out again.

She had started to feel his breaths growing closer on every wave, fillling her nose with its sweet scent. She had started to feel someone tapping her arm.

Her feelings had never been this rampant and chaotic. Her heart had raced faster than it ever did.

"Kiwi!" the voice become stronger and shook her sight, as if it had woke her, as she heard crackles and explosions, "What are you looking at?"

She saw the envelope again, as it leaned on the vase, "What?" she answered, but did not turn her head, as she realized it was Aquila calling her.

"You seem lost again," he laughed, "look they are already starting," he said as he pointed to the sky.

She shooked her head as if she woke up. Her eyes went upon where his fingers requested. There were four lights streaming through the sky and lining it with their tails. It exploded into vibrant colours and filled the sky, as more and more followed its demise to the heavens.

The little puppy started shaking as it panicked and tried to howl and bark. Instead, the result were more of shriek-like sounds. It jumped off Aquila's stomach and ran as it tumbled and slipped on the floor. It snuck its way under a couch as it continued trying to howl and bark.

"Oh no," he silently gasped, as he bent his head backwards and his eyes searched with upside down vision.

He stood up in his blue fitted short chinos, and pulled down the v-shaped neckline of his plain white cotton long-sleeved shirt and proceeded to follow it. He searched for it as lied on his chest in front of every sofa. He found it and stuck his arms under the white L-shaped sofa covering almost half of the room in a futile effort of trying to reach the puppy, while his feet dangled in the air. His whistles combined with the puppy's shrieking howls.

The Blueness of a Blue Wild FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now