(2) Isekaied

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(4609 Words)

Fun Fact: This fanfic was written in 2020-2021 during covid times.


October 12, 2004
Ext. SQ Safe House
0920 Hours

An armored van of bulky nature drifted across the wastes of Nevada, rumbling over its dense rocky ground. It was the color of dark grey, similar to all things throughout this untamed land.

Soon, it abruptly ceased movement, halting in it tracks. It stood still, parked outside what appeared to be a somewhat grey adobe-styled building.

With this, the driver-side door was suddenly opened outwards by a certain someone. This person was none other than Deimos, an annoying but nevertheless skilled hacker.

"Home sweet home." Mentioned the man as he hopped down from his vehicle, landing on the stone expanse below.

Hank, Deimos, and Sanford exited the back of an armored van. Overhead stained a red sky, a unexpected usual sight for any Nevadian.

The trio now headed atop the stone ground towards a abode-style grey building. Once reaching the structure, all except Hank ascended up a small set of stairs that stuck out from the wall.

Knocking on the front entrance, Deimos was smoking a cigarette with Sanford beside him. Hank on the other hand was at the bottom of the staircase, staring off into the horizon of endless rock.

Knowing who was already arriving, a man from inside opened the door, greeting the two. It was no other than Victor, a burger flipper turned SQ member.

Welcoming them inside, the cook now looked down at where Hank was before deciding to converse.

"Um, hey. You planning to come in?"

Upon hearing no response, he grabbed the handle and started closing the door.

"Okay then.... just gonna close this if you, um, don't wanna come in." Awkwardly concluded the man before the door was shut.

Seems like even Hank's "allies" weren't comfortable with him around, not that he cared anyhow. He didn't pursuit or even want social interaction. The more alone, the better.

He decided to trek back towards the vehicle, though stopped once a familiar voice was heard calling out his name.

"Hank." Said 2BDammed in the flesh, who was now at the door.

Ignoring this, Hank contained walking off.

"Hank..." Once again stated the doctor as he went down the steps, his voice a little more stern than before.

Hank started to move a bit faster.

"Hank!" Yelled 2B as he began pursuit towards his associate.

The man in black began to speed walk as 2B followed behind. When Hank finally reached the van, he got out its keys before opening the driver seat door.

As he was about to hop in, he heard another shout that made him cease movement.

"God damn it, Hank! Where the hell are you going? You're supposed to hand over the improbability drive!" Said an angered 2B that was getting closer by the second.

[OLD & BAD] Gate of Madness (Gate X Fem Hank)Where stories live. Discover now